Github user GJL commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    + * distributed with this work for additional information
    + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +import java.util.List;
    +import java.util.Objects;
    +import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
    + * Response type of the {@link JobVertexBackPressureHandler}.
    + */
    +public class JobVertexBackPressureInfo implements ResponseBody {
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_STATUS = "status";
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_BACKPRESSURE_LEVEL = 
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_END_TIMESTAMP = "end-timestamp";
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_SUBTASKS = "subtasks";
    +   @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_STATUS)
    +   private final VertexBackPressureStatus status;
    +   private final VertexBackPressureLevel backpressureLevel;
    +   @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_END_TIMESTAMP)
    +   private final Long endTimestamp;
    +   @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_SUBTASKS)
    +   protected final List<SubtaskBackPressureInfo> subtasks;
    +   @JsonCreator
    +   public JobVertexBackPressureInfo(
    +           @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_STATUS) VertexBackPressureStatus 
    +           @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_BACKPRESSURE_LEVEL) 
VertexBackPressureLevel backpressureLevel,
    +           @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_END_TIMESTAMP) Long endTimestamp,
    +           @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_SUBTASKS) 
List<SubtaskBackPressureInfo> subtasks) {
    +           this.status = status;
    +           this.backpressureLevel = backpressureLevel;
    +           this.endTimestamp = endTimestamp;
    +           this.subtasks = subtasks;
    +   }
    +   public static JobVertexBackPressureInfo deprecated() {
    +           return new JobVertexBackPressureInfo(
    +                   VertexBackPressureStatus.DEPRECATED,
    +                   null,
    +                   null,
    +                   null);
    +   }
    +   @Override
    +   public boolean equals(Object o) {
    +           if (this == o) {
    +                   return true;
    +           }
    +           if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
    +                   return false;
    +           }
    +           JobVertexBackPressureInfo that = (JobVertexBackPressureInfo) o;
    +           return Objects.equals(status, that.status) &&
    +                   Objects.equals(backpressureLevel, 
that.backpressureLevel) &&
    +                   Objects.equals(endTimestamp, that.endTimestamp) &&
    +                   Objects.equals(subtasks, that.subtasks);
    +   }
    +   @Override
    +   public int hashCode() {
    +           return Objects.hash(status, backpressureLevel, endTimestamp, 
    +   }
    +   // Static helper classes
    +   /**
    +    * Nested class to encapsulate the sub tasks back pressure.
    +    */
    +   public static final class SubtaskBackPressureInfo {
    +           public static final String FIELD_NAME_SUBTASK = "subtask";
    +           public static final String FIELD_NAME_BACKPRESSURE_LEVEL = 
    +           public static final String FIELD_NAME_RATIO = "ratio";
    +           @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_SUBTASK)
    +           private final int subtask;
    +           @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_BACKPRESSURE_LEVEL)
    +           private final VertexBackPressureLevel backpressureLevel;
    +           @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_RATIO)
    +           private final double ratio;
    +           public SubtaskBackPressureInfo(
    +                   @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_SUBTASK) int subtask,
    +                   @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_BACKPRESSURE_LEVEL) 
VertexBackPressureLevel backpressureLevel,
    +                   @JsonProperty(FIELD_NAME_RATIO) double ratio) {
    +                   this.subtask = subtask;
    +                   this.backpressureLevel = 
    +                   this.ratio = ratio;
    +           }
    +           @Override
    +           public boolean equals(Object o) {
    +                   if (this == o) {
    +                           return true;
    +                   }
    +                   if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
    +                           return false;
    +                   }
    +                   SubtaskBackPressureInfo that = 
(SubtaskBackPressureInfo) o;
    +                   return subtask == that.subtask &&
    +                           ratio == that.ratio &&
    +                           Objects.equals(backpressureLevel, 
    +           }
    +           @Override
    +           public int hashCode() {
    +                   return Objects.hash(subtask, backpressureLevel, ratio);
    +           }
    +   }
    +   /**
    +    * Status of vertex back-pressure.
    +    */
    +   public enum VertexBackPressureStatus {
    +           DEPRECATED("deprecated"), OK("ok");
    +           private String status;
    +           VertexBackPressureStatus(String status) {
    +                   this.status = status;
    +           }
    +           @JsonValue
    --- End diff --
    Needs to be tested.


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