Github user tillrohrmann commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -238,6 +254,12 @@ public static MesosTaskManagerParameters 
create(Configuration flinkConfig) {
                        cpus = Math.max(containeredParameters.numSlots(), 1.0);
    +           double gpus = 
Math.floor(flinkConfig.getDouble(MESOS_RM_TASKS_GPUS, 0.0));
    --- End diff --
    From the user perspective I think it's clearer to make it an integer 
because then we don't confuse users who haven't read the code and think that 
they can configure a fraction of a GPU based on its type. Once Mesos accepts 
floats, we can change it in Flink as well. I will apply the change while 
merging the PR.


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