Github user tillrohrmann commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    + * distributed with this work for additional information
    + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.webmonitor;
    +import org.apache.flink.api.common.JobID;
    +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
    +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
    +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext;
    +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
    +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;
    +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
    +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
    +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDeserializer;
    +import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdSerializer;
    +import java.util.ArrayList;
    +import java.util.LinkedList;
    +import java.util.List;
    +import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
    + * An overview of how many jobs are in which status.
    + */
    +@JsonSerialize(using = 
    +@JsonDeserialize(using = 
    +public class JobStatusesWithIdsOverview implements ResponseBody, 
InfoMessage {
    +   private static final long serialVersionUID = -3699051943490133183L;
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_CREATED_IDS = "jobs-created";
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_RUNNING_IDS = "jobs-running";
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_FINISHED_IDS = 
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_CANCELLING_IDS = 
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_CANCELLED_IDS = 
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_FAILING_IDS = "jobs-failing";
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_FAILED_IDS = "jobs-failed";
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_RESTARTING_IDS = 
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_SUSPENDED_IDS = 
    +   public static final String FIELD_NAME_JOBS_RECONCILING_IDS = 
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsCreated;
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsRunningOrPending;
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsFinished;
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsCancelling;
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsCancelled;
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsFailing;
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsFailed;
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsRestarting;
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsSuspended;
    +   private final List<JobID> jobsReconciling;
    +   public JobStatusesWithIdsOverview(
    +                   List<JobID> jobsCreated,
    +                   List<JobID> jobsRunningOrPending,
    +                   List<JobID> jobsFinished,
    +                   List<JobID> jobsCancelling,
    +                   List<JobID> jobsCancelled,
    +                   List<JobID> jobsFailing,
    +                   List<JobID> jobsFailed,
    +                   List<JobID> jobsRestarting,
    +                   List<JobID> jobsSuspended,
    +                   List<JobID> jobsReconciling) {
    +           this.jobsCreated = checkNotNull(jobsCreated);
    +           this.jobsRunningOrPending = checkNotNull(jobsRunningOrPending);
    +           this.jobsFinished = checkNotNull(jobsFinished);
    +           this.jobsCancelling = checkNotNull(jobsCancelling);
    +           this.jobsCancelled = checkNotNull(jobsCancelled);
    +           this.jobsFailing = checkNotNull(jobsFailing);
    +           this.jobsFailed = checkNotNull(jobsFailed);
    +           this.jobsRestarting = checkNotNull(jobsRestarting);
    +           this.jobsSuspended = checkNotNull(jobsSuspended);
    +           this.jobsReconciling = checkNotNull(jobsReconciling);
    +   }
    +   public JobStatusesWithIdsOverview(JobStatusesWithIdsOverview first, 
JobStatusesWithIdsOverview second) {
    +           this.jobsCreated = combine(first.getJobsCreated(), 
    +           this.jobsRunningOrPending = 
combine(first.getJobsRunningOrPending(), second.getJobsRunningOrPending());
    +           this.jobsFinished = combine(first.getJobsFinished(), 
    +           this.jobsCancelling = combine(first.getJobsCancelling(), 
    +           this.jobsCancelled = combine(first.getJobsCancelled(), 
    +           this.jobsFailing = combine(first.getJobsFailing(), 
    +           this.jobsFailed = combine(first.getJobsFailed(), 
    +           this.jobsRestarting = combine(first.getJobsRestarting(), 
    +           this.jobsSuspended = combine(first.getJobsSuspended(), 
    +           this.jobsReconciling = combine(first.getJobsReconciling(), 
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsCreated() {
    +           return jobsCreated;
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsRunningOrPending() {
    +           return jobsRunningOrPending;
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsFinished() {
    +           return jobsFinished;
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsCancelling() {
    +           return jobsCancelling;
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsCancelled() {
    +           return jobsCancelled;
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsFailing() {
    +           return jobsFailing;
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsFailed() {
    +           return jobsFailed;
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsRestarting() {
    +           return jobsRestarting;
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsSuspended() {
    +           return jobsSuspended;
    +   }
    +   public List<JobID> getJobsReconciling() {
    +           return jobsReconciling;
    +   }
    +   // 
    +   @Override
    +   public int hashCode() {
    +           return jobsCreated.hashCode() ^
    +                           jobsRunningOrPending.hashCode() ^
    +                           jobsFinished.hashCode() ^
    +                           jobsCancelling.hashCode() ^
    +                           jobsCancelled.hashCode() ^
    +                           jobsFailing.hashCode() ^
    +                           jobsFailed.hashCode() ^
    +                           jobsRestarting.hashCode() ^
    +                           jobsSuspended.hashCode() ^
    +                           jobsReconciling.hashCode();
    +   }
    +   @Override
    +   public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    +           if (obj == this) {
    +                   return true;
    +           }
    +           else if (obj instanceof JobStatusesWithIdsOverview) {
    +                   JobStatusesWithIdsOverview that = 
(JobStatusesWithIdsOverview) obj;
    +                   return this.jobsCreated.equals(that.jobsCreated) &&
this.jobsRunningOrPending.equals(that.jobsRunningOrPending) &&
this.jobsFinished.equals(that.jobsFinished) &&
this.jobsCancelling.equals(that.jobsCancelling) &&
this.jobsCancelled.equals(that.jobsCancelled) &&
this.jobsFailing.equals(that.jobsFailing) &&
    +                                   this.jobsFailed.equals(that.jobsFailed) 
this.jobsRestarting.equals(that.jobsRestarting) &&
this.jobsSuspended.equals(that.jobsSuspended) &&
    +           }
    +           else {
    +                   return false;
    +           }
    +   }
    +   @Override
    +   public String toString() {
    +           return "JobStatusesWithIdsOverview {" +
    +                           "createdJobs=" + jobsCreated +
    +                           ", runningOrPendingJobs=" + 
jobsRunningOrPending +
    +                           ", finishedJobs=" + jobsFinished +
    +                           ", cancellingJobs=" + jobsCancelling +
    +                           ", cancelledJobs=" + jobsCancelled +
    +                           ", failingJobs=" + jobsFailing +
    +                           ", failedJobs=" + jobsFailed +
    +                           ", restartingJobs=" + jobsRestarting +
    +                           ", suspendedJobs=" + jobsSuspended +
    +                           ", reconcilingJobs=" + jobsReconciling +
    +                           '}';
    +   }
    +   // 
    +   //  Message serializers
    +   // 
    +   public static final class JobStatusesWithIdsOverviewSerializer extends 
StdSerializer<JobStatusesWithIdsOverview> {
    --- End diff --
    Just out of curiosity, why did you define a (de)serializer for this class? 
The structure looks as if this could have been done automatically by the 


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