Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: docs/dev/table/ ---
    @@ -2107,6 +2108,17 @@ VAR_SAMP(value)
             <p>Returns the sample variance (square of the sample standard 
deviation) of the numeric field across all input values.</p>
    +    <tr>
    +      <td>
    +          {% highlight text %}
    +          COLLECT(value)
    +          {% endhighlight %}
    +      </td>
    +      <td>
    +          <p>Returns a multiset of the <i>value</i>s.</p>
    --- End diff --
    Be more specific about the handling of `null` values. Are they ignored? 
What is returned if only null values are added (`null` or empty multiset)?


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