Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: flink-libraries/flink-table/src/main/scala/org/apache/flink/table/runtime/aggregate/AggregateUtil.scala --- @@ -1414,8 +1414,29 @@ object AggregateUtil { aggregates(index) = udagg.getFunction accTypes(index) = udagg.accType - case unSupported: SqlAggFunction => - throw new TableException(s"unsupported Function: '${unSupported.getName}'") + case other: SqlAggFunction => --- End diff -- Change this case to `case collect: SqlAggFunction if collect.getKind == SqlKind.COLLECT =>` to have a dedicated case for this built-in function. Also the case after `case _: SqlCountAggFunction` to have all built-in functions together.