Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -131,340 +116,308 @@ class TimeBoundedStreamInnerJoin(
         // Initialize the data caches.
         val leftListTypeInfo: TypeInformation[JList[Row]] = new 
         val leftStateDescriptor: MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]] =
    -      new MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]](timeIndicator + 
    -        BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[Long]], 
    +      new MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]](
    +        timeIndicator + "InnerJoinLeftCache",
    +        BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[Long]],
    +        leftListTypeInfo)
         leftCache = getRuntimeContext.getMapState(leftStateDescriptor)
         val rightListTypeInfo: TypeInformation[JList[Row]] = new 
         val rightStateDescriptor: MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]] =
    -      new MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]](timeIndicator + 
    -        BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[Long]], 
    +      new MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]](
    +        timeIndicator + "InnerJoinRightCache",
    +        BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[Long]],
    +        rightListTypeInfo)
         rightCache = getRuntimeContext.getMapState(rightStateDescriptor)
         // Initialize the timer states.
         val leftTimerStateDesc: ValueStateDescriptor[Long] =
    -      new ValueStateDescriptor[Long](timeIndicator + 
    -        classOf[Long])
    +      new ValueStateDescriptor[Long](timeIndicator + 
"InnerJoinLeftTimerState", classOf[Long])
         leftTimerState = getRuntimeContext.getState(leftTimerStateDesc)
         val rightTimerStateDesc: ValueStateDescriptor[Long] =
    -      new ValueStateDescriptor[Long](timeIndicator + 
    -        classOf[Long])
    +      new ValueStateDescriptor[Long](timeIndicator + 
"InnerJoinRightTimerState", classOf[Long])
         rightTimerState = getRuntimeContext.getState(rightTimerStateDesc)
    -    * Process records from the left stream.
    -    *
    -    * @param cRowValue the input record
    -    * @param ctx       the context to register timer or get current time
    -    * @param out       the collector for outputting results
    -    *
    +    * Process rows from the left stream.
       override def processElement1(
    -    cRowValue: CRow,
    -    ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    -    out: Collector[CRow]): Unit = {
    -    val timeForRecord: Long = getTimeForRecord(ctx, cRowValue, true)
    -    getCurrentOperatorTime(ctx)
    +      cRowValue: CRow,
    +      ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    +      out: Collector[CRow]): Unit = {
    +    updateOperatorTime(ctx)
    +    val rowTime: Long = getTimeForLeftStream(ctx, cRowValue)
    +    val oppositeLowerBound: Long = rowTime - rightRelativeSize
    +    val oppositeUpperBound: Long = rowTime + leftRelativeSize
    -      timeForRecord,
    +      rowTime,
    +      oppositeLowerBound,
    +      oppositeUpperBound,
    -      true
    +      leftRow = true
    -    * Process records from the right stream.
    -    *
    -    * @param cRowValue the input record
    -    * @param ctx       the context to get current time
    -    * @param out       the collector for outputting results
    -    *
    +    * Process rows from the right stream.
       override def processElement2(
    -    cRowValue: CRow,
    -    ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    -    out: Collector[CRow]): Unit = {
    -    val timeForRecord: Long = getTimeForRecord(ctx, cRowValue, false)
    -    getCurrentOperatorTime(ctx)
    +      cRowValue: CRow,
    +      ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    +      out: Collector[CRow]): Unit = {
    +    updateOperatorTime(ctx)
    +    val rowTime: Long = getTimeForRightStream(ctx, cRowValue)
    +    val oppositeLowerBound: Long = rowTime - leftRelativeSize
    +    val oppositeUpperBound: Long =  rowTime + rightRelativeSize
    -      timeForRecord,
    +      rowTime,
    +      oppositeLowerBound,
    +      oppositeUpperBound,
    -      false
    +      leftRow = false
    -    * Put a record from the input stream into the cache and iterate the 
opposite cache to
    -    * output records meeting the join conditions. If there is no timer set 
for the OPPOSITE
    +    * Put a row from the input stream into the cache and iterate the 
opposite cache to
    +    * output join results meeting the conditions. If there is no timer set 
for the OPPOSITE
         * STREAM, register one.
       private def processElement(
    -    cRowValue: CRow,
    -    timeForRecord: Long,
    -    ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    -    out: Collector[CRow],
    -    myWatermark: Long,
    -    oppositeWatermark: Long,
    -    oppositeTimeState: ValueState[Long],
    -    recordListCache: MapState[Long, JList[Row]],
    -    oppositeCache: MapState[Long, JList[Row]],
    -    leftRecord: Boolean): Unit = {
    -    if (relativeWindowSize > 0) {
    -      //TODO Shall we consider adding a method for initialization with the 
context and collector?
    -      cRowWrapper.out = out
    -      val record = cRowValue.row
    -      //TODO Only if the time of the record is greater than the watermark, 
can we continue.
    -      if (timeForRecord >= myWatermark - allowedLateness) {
    -        val oppositeLowerBound: Long =
    -          if (leftRecord) timeForRecord - rightRelativeSize else 
timeForRecord - leftRelativeSize
    -        val oppositeUpperBound: Long =
    -          if (leftRecord) timeForRecord + leftRelativeSize else 
timeForRecord + rightRelativeSize
    -        // Put the record into the cache for later use.
    -        val recordList = if (recordListCache.contains(timeForRecord)) {
    -          recordListCache.get(timeForRecord)
    -        } else {
    -          new util.ArrayList[Row]()
    -        }
    -        recordList.add(record)
    -        recordListCache.put(timeForRecord, recordList)
    -        // Register a timer on THE OTHER STREAM to remove records from the 
cache once they are
    -        // expired.
    -        if (oppositeTimeState.value == 0) {
    -          registerCleanUpTimer(
    -            ctx, timeForRecord, oppositeWatermark, oppositeTimeState, 
leftRecord, true)
    -        }
    +      cRowValue: CRow,
    +      timeForRow: Long,
    +      ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    +      out: Collector[CRow],
    +      myWatermark: Long,
    +      oppositeLowerBound: Long,
    +      oppositeUpperBound: Long,
    +      oppositeWatermark: Long,
    +      oppositeTimeState: ValueState[Long],
    +      rowListCache: MapState[Long, JList[Row]],
    +      oppositeCache: MapState[Long, JList[Row]],
    +      leftRow: Boolean): Unit = {
    +    cRowWrapper.out = out
    +    val row = cRowValue.row
    +    if (!checkRowOutOfDate(timeForRow, myWatermark)) {
    +      // Put the row into the cache for later use.
    +      var rowList = rowListCache.get(timeForRow)
    +      if (null == rowList) {
    +        rowList = new ArrayList[Row](1)
    +      }
    +      rowList.add(row)
    +      rowListCache.put(timeForRow, rowList)
    +      // Register a timer on THE OPPOSITE STREAM to remove rows from the 
cache once they are
    +      // expired.
    +      if (oppositeTimeState.value == 0) {
    +        registerCleanUpTimer(
    +          ctx, timeForRow, oppositeWatermark, oppositeTimeState, leftRow, 
firstTimer = true)
    +      }
    -        // Join the record with records from the opposite stream.
    -        val oppositeIterator = oppositeCache.iterator()
    -        var oppositeEntry: Entry[Long, util.List[Row]] = null
    -        var oppositeTime: Long = 0L;
    -        while (oppositeIterator.hasNext) {
    -          oppositeEntry =
    -          oppositeTime = oppositeEntry.getKey
    -          if (oppositeTime < oppositeLowerBound - allowedLateness) {
    -            //TODO Considering the data out-of-order, we should not remove 
records here.
    -          } else if (oppositeTime >= oppositeLowerBound && oppositeTime <= 
oppositeUpperBound) {
    -            val oppositeRows = oppositeEntry.getValue
    -            var i = 0
    -            if (leftRecord) {
    -              while (i < oppositeRows.size) {
    -                joinFunction.join(record, oppositeRows.get(i), cRowWrapper)
    -                i += 1
    -              }
    -            } else {
    -              while (i < oppositeRows.size) {
    -                joinFunction.join(oppositeRows.get(i), record, cRowWrapper)
    -                i += 1
    -              }
    +      // Join the row with rows from the opposite stream.
    +      val oppositeIterator = oppositeCache.iterator()
    +      while (oppositeIterator.hasNext) {
    +        val oppositeEntry =
    +        val oppositeTime = oppositeEntry.getKey
    +        if (oppositeTime >= oppositeLowerBound && oppositeTime <= 
oppositeUpperBound) {
    +          val oppositeRows = oppositeEntry.getValue
    +          var i = 0
    +          if (leftRow) {
    --- End diff --
    Yes, that's what I meant


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