Github user xccui commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -131,340 +116,308 @@ class TimeBoundedStreamInnerJoin(
         // Initialize the data caches.
         val leftListTypeInfo: TypeInformation[JList[Row]] = new 
         val leftStateDescriptor: MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]] =
    -      new MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]](timeIndicator + 
    -        BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[Long]], 
    +      new MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]](
    +        timeIndicator + "InnerJoinLeftCache",
    +        BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[Long]],
    +        leftListTypeInfo)
         leftCache = getRuntimeContext.getMapState(leftStateDescriptor)
         val rightListTypeInfo: TypeInformation[JList[Row]] = new 
         val rightStateDescriptor: MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]] =
    -      new MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]](timeIndicator + 
    -        BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[Long]], 
    +      new MapStateDescriptor[Long, JList[Row]](
    +        timeIndicator + "InnerJoinRightCache",
    +        BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[Long]],
    +        rightListTypeInfo)
         rightCache = getRuntimeContext.getMapState(rightStateDescriptor)
         // Initialize the timer states.
         val leftTimerStateDesc: ValueStateDescriptor[Long] =
    -      new ValueStateDescriptor[Long](timeIndicator + 
    -        classOf[Long])
    +      new ValueStateDescriptor[Long](timeIndicator + 
"InnerJoinLeftTimerState", classOf[Long])
         leftTimerState = getRuntimeContext.getState(leftTimerStateDesc)
         val rightTimerStateDesc: ValueStateDescriptor[Long] =
    -      new ValueStateDescriptor[Long](timeIndicator + 
    -        classOf[Long])
    +      new ValueStateDescriptor[Long](timeIndicator + 
"InnerJoinRightTimerState", classOf[Long])
         rightTimerState = getRuntimeContext.getState(rightTimerStateDesc)
    -    * Process records from the left stream.
    -    *
    -    * @param cRowValue the input record
    -    * @param ctx       the context to register timer or get current time
    -    * @param out       the collector for outputting results
    -    *
    +    * Process rows from the left stream.
       override def processElement1(
    -    cRowValue: CRow,
    -    ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    -    out: Collector[CRow]): Unit = {
    -    val timeForRecord: Long = getTimeForRecord(ctx, cRowValue, true)
    -    getCurrentOperatorTime(ctx)
    +      cRowValue: CRow,
    +      ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    +      out: Collector[CRow]): Unit = {
    +    updateOperatorTime(ctx)
    +    val rowTime: Long = getTimeForLeftStream(ctx, cRowValue)
    +    val oppositeLowerBound: Long = rowTime - rightRelativeSize
    +    val oppositeUpperBound: Long = rowTime + leftRelativeSize
    -      timeForRecord,
    +      rowTime,
    +      oppositeLowerBound,
    +      oppositeUpperBound,
    -      true
    +      leftRow = true
    -    * Process records from the right stream.
    -    *
    -    * @param cRowValue the input record
    -    * @param ctx       the context to get current time
    -    * @param out       the collector for outputting results
    -    *
    +    * Process rows from the right stream.
       override def processElement2(
    -    cRowValue: CRow,
    -    ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    -    out: Collector[CRow]): Unit = {
    -    val timeForRecord: Long = getTimeForRecord(ctx, cRowValue, false)
    -    getCurrentOperatorTime(ctx)
    +      cRowValue: CRow,
    +      ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    +      out: Collector[CRow]): Unit = {
    +    updateOperatorTime(ctx)
    +    val rowTime: Long = getTimeForRightStream(ctx, cRowValue)
    +    val oppositeLowerBound: Long = rowTime - leftRelativeSize
    +    val oppositeUpperBound: Long =  rowTime + rightRelativeSize
    -      timeForRecord,
    +      rowTime,
    +      oppositeLowerBound,
    +      oppositeUpperBound,
    -      false
    +      leftRow = false
    -    * Put a record from the input stream into the cache and iterate the 
opposite cache to
    -    * output records meeting the join conditions. If there is no timer set 
for the OPPOSITE
    +    * Put a row from the input stream into the cache and iterate the 
opposite cache to
    +    * output join results meeting the conditions. If there is no timer set 
for the OPPOSITE
         * STREAM, register one.
       private def processElement(
    -    cRowValue: CRow,
    -    timeForRecord: Long,
    -    ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    -    out: Collector[CRow],
    -    myWatermark: Long,
    -    oppositeWatermark: Long,
    -    oppositeTimeState: ValueState[Long],
    -    recordListCache: MapState[Long, JList[Row]],
    -    oppositeCache: MapState[Long, JList[Row]],
    -    leftRecord: Boolean): Unit = {
    -    if (relativeWindowSize > 0) {
    -      //TODO Shall we consider adding a method for initialization with the 
context and collector?
    -      cRowWrapper.out = out
    -      val record = cRowValue.row
    -      //TODO Only if the time of the record is greater than the watermark, 
can we continue.
    -      if (timeForRecord >= myWatermark - allowedLateness) {
    -        val oppositeLowerBound: Long =
    -          if (leftRecord) timeForRecord - rightRelativeSize else 
timeForRecord - leftRelativeSize
    -        val oppositeUpperBound: Long =
    -          if (leftRecord) timeForRecord + leftRelativeSize else 
timeForRecord + rightRelativeSize
    -        // Put the record into the cache for later use.
    -        val recordList = if (recordListCache.contains(timeForRecord)) {
    -          recordListCache.get(timeForRecord)
    -        } else {
    -          new util.ArrayList[Row]()
    -        }
    -        recordList.add(record)
    -        recordListCache.put(timeForRecord, recordList)
    -        // Register a timer on THE OTHER STREAM to remove records from the 
cache once they are
    -        // expired.
    -        if (oppositeTimeState.value == 0) {
    -          registerCleanUpTimer(
    -            ctx, timeForRecord, oppositeWatermark, oppositeTimeState, 
leftRecord, true)
    -        }
    +      cRowValue: CRow,
    +      timeForRow: Long,
    +      ctx: CoProcessFunction[CRow, CRow, CRow]#Context,
    +      out: Collector[CRow],
    +      myWatermark: Long,
    +      oppositeLowerBound: Long,
    +      oppositeUpperBound: Long,
    +      oppositeWatermark: Long,
    +      oppositeTimeState: ValueState[Long],
    +      rowListCache: MapState[Long, JList[Row]],
    +      oppositeCache: MapState[Long, JList[Row]],
    +      leftRow: Boolean): Unit = {
    +    cRowWrapper.out = out
    +    val row = cRowValue.row
    +    if (!checkRowOutOfDate(timeForRow, myWatermark)) {
    --- End diff --
    Hi @fhueske, it takes me a little time to rethink these conditions. As you 
said, it's really quite easy to get confused 😄 
    In general, I'm in favour of your suggestions. Besides, I've got some extra 
    1. About storing a record in state. Only if `oppositeOperatorTime < 
oppositeQualifedUpperBound`, can a record be stored. For example, suppose 
there's a record from the left stream with `time = 10` and qualified time range 
of the right stream is calculated to be `[8, 15]`. Then only if the 
`rightOperatorTime < 15`, need we cache the left record. Otherwise, it means 
all the qualified records from the right stream should have been seen.
    2. We need two conditions here, but the "lateness condition" should be 
applied out of the "storing condition", i.e., we first check the lateness of a 
record and only if it passes can we continue processing it (checking if it 
should be stored, etc.). That's because even if there exist records from the 
opposite stream that can be joined with a late record, we can not guarantee the 
**completeness** of the results. In the above example, if `rightOperatorTime = 
16`, the left record with `time = 10` will not be stored. After that, here 
comes a right record with `time = 15`, but we can never join it with the left 
record just seen before since it is not stored.
    "Incomplete" or "empty", which one to choose?


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