Github user mpouttuclarke commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -171,7 +172,14 @@ public static void validateAwsConfiguration(Properties 
config) {
                if (!config.containsKey(AWSConfigConstants.AWS_REGION)) {
    --- End diff --
    The new constructors make the easy path the right path.  We go through a 
lot of trouble at Amazon to make sure that the default constructors do the 
right thing with the minimal amount of effort.  Yet people still set things 
like region and auth manually when it is not only unnecessary but also a 
security, performance, and compliance risk.  Wherever we can we should try to 
follow the example of the AWS SDK and provide for using it correctly.  Overall, 
I would make the argument that using property files and statics isn't a best 
practice.  There really should be type safe POJOs and dependency injection in 
place for configuration of the consumer but that is a larger issue than I can 
take on right now.  The new constructors attempt to add some type safety while 
improving ease of use when operating in an Amazon environment.

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