Claude-Alain created CXF-5706:

             Summary: wadl2java: Return types aren't generated properly on 
server interfaces for methods with more than 1 response element.
                 Key: CXF-5706
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Tooling
    Affects Versions: 3.0.0-milestone2
         Environment: Java version "1.6.0_45"
Windows 7 64 bit
            Reporter: Claude-Alain

Regarding this subject, a fix has been done (CXF-3662) but I have some reasons 
to think that it has not been done in the right way.

In the given example, there is on normal response (status code = 200) and one 
response which is an error (status code = 400). In that case the fix is doing 
the right thing, the first type is take into account and the error type can be 
managed by an exception mapper (from what I see in the documentation of 
RESTEasy and Jersey).

But in the case we introduce another response like shown in the example just 
<method name="GET" id="getUserDefaults">
        <doc>Gets default user configuration values.</doc>
        <response status="200">
                <representation mediaType="application/xml" 
element="fmc:userDefaults" />
        <response status="204">
                <representation mediaType="application/xml" 
element="fmc:noContent" />
        <response status="400">
                <representation mediaType="application/xml" 
element="fmc:errorList" />

then the return type for the corresponding method in the generated interface 
will be "userDefaults". Since a Java method can only return an object of a 
given type then it will never be possible to return an object of type 

So I think the only way to solve this case is to return a type 

The only workaround I found is to remove the type type specified in the 
response to make sure that we always have a return type "Response".

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