
Sergey Beryozkin commented on CXF-5694:

I can't reproduce it, I copied the above resource fragment to the test WADL 
file and 'id' gets generated in front of 'ald'.

If you only have WADL with the grammar and this only fragment, do you still see 
the wrong ordering of parameters ? I wonder if it is to do with some parameter 
inheritance in scope of the larger document...Can you attach a complete test 
WADL document (with all the sensitive info removed) that I can use to reproduce 
the issue ?

> Parameters from WADL in alphabetic order
> ----------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-5694
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-5694
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: JAX-RS
>    Affects Versions: 2.7.10
>         Environment: linux (fedora 20) and windows 7, java 7 u51
>            Reporter: clint dovholuk
>            Priority: Minor
> We have a wadl that we export from cxf 2.7.10 and we turn around and consume 
> the wadl we produce to provide a client jar (which also uses cxf 2.7.10)
> The snippet of wadl we have is here:
>     <resource path="/id/{id}/a/id/{aId}">
>       <param name="id" style="template" type="xs:string" />
>       <param name="aId" style="template" type="xs:string" />
>       <method name="DELETE" id="remove">
>         <request />
>         <response>
>           <representation mediaType="application/xml" 
> element="prefix1:SomeClassToReturn" />
>           <representation mediaType="application/json" />
>         </response>
>       </method>
>     </resource>
> However this generates client code where the "id" and "aId" are out of order 
> like this:
>     @DELETE
>     @Produces({"application/xml", "application/json" })
>     @Path("/id/{id}/a/id/{aId}")
>     SomeClassToReturn remove(@PathParam("aId") String aId, @PathParam("id") 
> String id);
> For kicks we renamed "aId" to "zId" and low and behold we now get (notice the 
> parameter zId at the end now):
>     SomeClassToReturn remove(@PathParam("id") String id, @PathParam("zId") 
> String zId);
> I also found this nabble post as well (though this is for wsdl vs wadl) 
> http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.com/Ordering-of-wsdl-method-parameters-changed-for-java-first-services-td5736502.html
>  it seems to be indicating the same issue but I didn't see it come to 
> conclusion and I couldn't find any more threads.
> I have filed this bug per Sergey's request

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