
tom mckiernan updated CXF-3071:

    Attachment: java_ref_project.zip

> CXF to .NET ArrayOfXXX interop issue
> ------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-3071
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-3071
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.3.0
>         Environment: windows / solaris, CXF 2.3.0, 
>            Reporter: tom mckiernan
>         Attachments: java_ref_project.zip, wsdl_and_xsds.zip
> This is an interop issue when working with Java CXF --> .NET service.
> The .NET service defines a complex type - SomeCompositeType
> Then the service defines a parent complex type that itself contains an array 
> of SomeCompositeType : this parent type is called CompositeTypeParent
> The problem is that the SOAP msg produced seems to ignore the field name and 
> instead uses the type name.
> The WSDL and XSDs are attached to this ticket.
> The Java was produced using CXF 2.3.0.
> A rough MVN Java project is also attached that can be used to see the problem.
> An example of the SOAP msg produced is seen below. The parent object is 
> defined as having a sub field called "compositeTypes'.
> However, the SOAP produced has called this field "ArrayOfSomeCompositeTypes' 
> i.e. is using the field type instead of the field name.
> This is not acceptable to .NET - the .NET service ignores this section.
> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
>   <soap:Body>
>     <ns2:CreateSomeCompositeTypes 
> xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/TestService";
>     xmlns:ns2="http://tempuri.org/";
>     xmlns:ns3="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/";>
>       <ns2:parent>
>         <ArrayOfSomeCompositeType>                    <!-- This should be 
> called 'compositeTypes', not 'ArrayOfSomeCompositeType' -->
>           <SomeCompositeType>
>             <BoolValue>true</BoolValue>
>             <StringValue>hello world!</StringValue>
>           </SomeCompositeType>
>         </ArrayOfSomeCompositeType>
>       </ns2:parent>
>     </ns2:CreateSomeCompositeTypes>
>   </soap:Body>
> </soap:Envelope>
> At a guess I would imagine that the .NET service's use of ArrayOfXXX is 
> confusing the client. I appreicate that WS-I profile recommends not to use 
> this construct, but unfortunately .NET does.
> I also believe this issue exists on previous versions of CXF too.
> Many thanks!
> Thomas

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