CXF to .NET ArrayOfXXX interop issue ------------------------------------ Key: CXF-3071 URL: Project: CXF Issue Type: Bug Affects Versions: 2.3.0 Environment: windows / solaris, CXF 2.3.0, Reporter: tom mckiernan
This is an interop issue when working with Java CXF --> .NET service. The .NET service defines a complex type - SomeCompositeType Then the service defines a parent complex type that itself contains an array of SomeCompositeType : this parent type is called CompositeTypeParent The problem is that the SOAP msg produced seems to ignore the field name and instead uses the type name. The WSDL and XSDs are attached to this ticket. The Java was produced using CXF 2.3.0. A rough MVN Java project is also attached that can be used to see the problem. An example of the SOAP msg produced is seen below. The parent object is defined as having a sub field called "compositeTypes'. However, the SOAP produced has called this field "ArrayOfSomeCompositeTypes' i.e. is using the field type instead of the field name. This is not acceptable to .NET - the .NET service ignores this section. <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" <soap:Body> <ns2:CreateSomeCompositeTypes xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3=""> <ns2:parent> <ArrayOfSomeCompositeType> <!-- This should be called 'compositeTypes', not 'ArrayOfSomeCompositeType' --> <SomeCompositeType> <BoolValue>true</BoolValue> <StringValue>hello world!</StringValue> </SomeCompositeType> </ArrayOfSomeCompositeType> </ns2:parent> </ns2:CreateSomeCompositeTypes> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> At a guess I would imagine that the .NET service's use of ArrayOfXXX is confusing the client. I appreicate that WS-I profile recommends not to use this construct, but unfortunately .NET does. I also believe this issue exists on previous versions of CXF too. Many thanks! Thomas -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.