
David Bosschaert reassigned CXF-2578:

    Assignee: David Bosschaert

> Discovery problem when two dependent bundles export interfaces
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-2578
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-2578
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Distributed-OSGi
>    Affects Versions: dOSGi-1.1
>         Environment: felix-2.0.1
>            Reporter: Alexander Broekhuis
>            Assignee: David Bosschaert
>         Attachments: testcase.tar.gz
> I have the following setup:
> - first bundle with a common interface (common)
> - second bundle with a common interface (commonb)
> - client bundle with a service implementing the first common interface 
> (client)
> - server bundle with a service implementing the second common interface 
> (server)
> Both the client and the server export the implemented interface.
> The client service has a tracker to the interface published by the server.
> So the interface of the client isn't used.
> Further, I use the 1.1 singlebundle distribution.
> If I run this situation, the client most of the time does not track any 
> server interface. Stopping the client and the distributed osgi bundle, and 
> then first starting the dosgi bundle, and after that the client, makes the 
> tracker work.
> If I remove the remote properties from the client the tracker works. I can 
> start stop any way I want, it keeps finding the server interface.

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