Discovery problem when two dependent bundles export interfaces --------------------------------------------------------------
Key: CXF-2578 URL: Project: CXF Issue Type: Bug Components: Distributed-OSGi Affects Versions: dOSGi-1.1 Environment: felix-2.0.1 Reporter: Alexander Broekhuis I have the following setup: - first bundle with a common interface (common) - second bundle with a common interface (commonb) - client bundle with a service implementing the first common interface (client) - server bundle with a service implementing the second common interface (server) Both the client and the server export the implemented interface. The client service has a tracker to the interface published by the server. So the interface of the client isn't used. Further, I use the 1.1 singlebundle distribution. If I run this situation, the client most of the time does not track any server interface. Stopping the client and the distributed osgi bundle, and then first starting the dosgi bundle, and after that the client, makes the tracker work. If I remove the remote properties from the client the tracker works. I can start stop any way I want, it keeps finding the server interface. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.