On Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 09:40:21AM -0800, Jakub Kicinski wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Dec 2023 11:16:10 +0100 Przemek Kitszel wrote:
> > I have let know our igc TL, architect, and anybody that could be
> > interested via cc: IWL. And I'm happy that this could be done at
> > relaxed pace thanks to Johannes
> I think you may be expecting us to take Johannes's patch.
> It's still on the table, but to make things clear -
> upstream we prefer to wait for the "real fix", so if we agree
> that fixing igb/igc is a better way (as Heiner pointed out on previous
> version PM functions are called by the stack under rtnl elsewhere too,
> just not while device is open) - we'll wait for that. Especially
> that I'm 80% I complained about the PM in those drivers in
> the past and nobody seemed to care. It's a constant source of rtnl
> deadlocks.

For whatever it's worth, I want to be clear that all stock kernels
are 100% unusable on lenovo P17gen2 because of this deadlock and that
without the temporary patch, my laptop would be usuable.
It was also a risk of data loss due to repeated deadlocks and unclean

I cannot say what the correct fix is, but I am definitely hoping you
will accept some solution for the next stable kernel.

Thank you
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