From: chandra konduru <>

This patch adds necessary prep work for nv12 testcase:
  - updated fb allocation functions to handle NV12 format
  - igt helper function to return png image size
  - igt helper function to calculate start of uv in a given NV12 buffer
  - igt helper function to map buffer for host access
  - populates fb->...[4] parameters for NV12
  - igt helper function to convert RGB data to NV12
  - updated drm_format to bpp to handle NV12
  - updated fast copy blit function to deal NV12 subplanes
  - made an update to kms_render testcase due to above changes

Signed-off-by: chandra konduru <>
 lib/igt_fb.c            | 316 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 lib/igt_fb.h            |   9 +-
 lib/intel_batchbuffer.c |  16 ++-
 lib/intel_batchbuffer.h |   3 +-
 lib/intel_reg.h         |   1 +
 lib/ioctl_wrappers.c    |  10 +-
 lib/ioctl_wrappers.h    |   2 +-
 tests/kms_render.c      |   4 +-
 8 files changed, 334 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/igt_fb.c b/lib/igt_fb.c
index cc4b8ee..dedee9e 100644
--- a/lib/igt_fb.c
+++ b/lib/igt_fb.c
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ static struct format_desc_struct {
 /* helpers to create nice-looking framebuffers */
-static int create_bo_for_fb(int fd, int width, int height, int bpp,
+static int create_bo_for_fb(int fd, int width, int height, int bpp, int bpp2,
                            uint64_t tiling, unsigned bo_size,
                            uint32_t *gem_handle_ret,
                            unsigned *size_ret,
@@ -99,13 +99,17 @@ static int create_bo_for_fb(int fd, int width, int height, 
int bpp,
                for (stride = 512; stride < v; stride *= 2)
-               v = stride * height;
+               /* planar formats height is 1.5x */
+               v = stride * (bpp2 ? (height * 3) / 2 : height);
                for (size = 1024*1024; size < v; size *= 2)
        } else {
                /* Scan-out has a 64 byte alignment restriction */
                stride = (width * (bpp / 8) + 63) & ~63;
-               size = stride * height;
+               /* planar formats height is 1.5x */
+               size = stride * (bpp2 ? (height * 3) / 2 : height);
        if (bo_size == 0)
@@ -393,6 +397,75 @@ void igt_paint_image(cairo_t *cr, const char *filename,
+ * igt_get_image_size:
+ * @filename: filename of the png image
+ * @width: width of the image
+ * @height: height of the image
+ *
+ * This function returns @width and @height of the png image in @filename,
+ * which is loaded from the package data directory.
+ */
+igt_get_image_size(const char *filename, int *width, int *height)
+       cairo_surface_t *image;
+       FILE* f;
+       f = igt_fopen_data(filename);
+       image = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png_stream(&stdio_read_func, f);
+       igt_assert(cairo_surface_status(image) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+       *width = cairo_image_surface_get_width(image);
+       *height = cairo_image_surface_get_height(image);
+       cairo_surface_destroy(image);
+       fclose(f);
+ * igt_fb_calc_uv:
+ * @fb: pointer to an #igt_fb structure
+ *
+ * This function calculates UV offset in bytes and UV starting line number
+ * for requested NV12 @fb.
+ */
+igt_fb_calc_uv(struct igt_fb *fb)
+       if (fb->drm_format != DRM_FORMAT_NV12)
+               return;
+       switch (fb->tiling) {
+               fb->uv_y_start = fb->height;
+               break;
+       case LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_X_TILED:
+               fb->uv_y_start = fb->height;
+               break;
+       case LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED:
+               fb->uv_y_start = fb->height;
+               break;
+       case LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Yf_TILED:
+               /* tile-Yf requires uv to start on a new tile row */
+               if (fb->height % 64)
+                       fb->uv_y_start = (fb->height + 63) & ~63;
+               else
+                       fb->uv_y_start = fb->height;
+               break;
+       default:
+               igt_assert(0);
+       }
+       fb->uv_offset = fb->uv_y_start * fb->stride;
+       /* assert that fb has enough lines to hold y and uv sub-planes */
+       igt_assert(fb->size / fb->stride >= fb->uv_y_start + fb->height / 2);
  * igt_create_fb_with_bo_size:
  * @fd: open i915 drm file descriptor
  * @width: width of the framebuffer in pixel
@@ -418,24 +491,32 @@ igt_create_fb_with_bo_size(int fd, int width, int height,
                           struct igt_fb *fb, unsigned bo_size)
        uint32_t fb_id;
-       int bpp;
+       int bpp, bpp2;
        memset(fb, 0, sizeof(*fb));
-       bpp = igt_drm_format_to_bpp(format);
+       bpp = igt_drm_format_to_bpp(format, 0);
+       bpp2 = igt_drm_format_to_bpp(format, 1);
-       igt_debug("%s(width=%d, height=%d, format=0x%x [bpp=%d], 
tiling=0x%"PRIx64", size=%d\n",
-                 __func__, width, height, format, bpp, tiling, bo_size);
-       do_or_die(create_bo_for_fb(fd, width, height, bpp, tiling, bo_size,
+       igt_debug("%s(width=%d, height=%d, format=0x%x [bpp=%d, %d], 
tiling=0x%"PRIx64", size=%d\n",
+                 __func__, width, height, format, bpp, bpp2, tiling, bo_size);
+       do_or_die(create_bo_for_fb(fd, width, height, bpp, bpp2, tiling, 
                                   &fb->gem_handle, &fb->size, &fb->stride));
        igt_debug("%s(handle=%d, pitch=%d)\n",
                  __func__, fb->gem_handle, fb->stride);
+       fb->width = width;
+       fb->height = height;
+       fb->tiling = tiling;
+       fb->drm_format = format;
+       igt_fb_calc_uv(fb);
        if (tiling != LOCAL_DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NONE &&
            tiling != LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_X_TILED) {
                do_or_die(__kms_addfb(fd, fb->gem_handle, width, height,
-                                     fb->stride, format, tiling,
+                                     fb->stride, format, tiling, fb->uv_offset,
                                      LOCAL_DRM_MODE_FB_MODIFIERS, &fb_id));
        } else {
                uint32_t handles[4];
@@ -449,21 +530,213 @@ igt_create_fb_with_bo_size(int fd, int width, int height,
                handles[0] = fb->gem_handle;
                pitches[0] = fb->stride;
+               if (format == DRM_FORMAT_NV12) {
+                       handles[1] = fb->gem_handle;
+                       pitches[1] = fb->stride;
+                       offsets[1] = fb->uv_offset;
+               }
                do_or_die(drmModeAddFB2(fd, width, height, format,
                                        handles, pitches, offsets,
                                        &fb_id, 0));
-       fb->width = width;
-       fb->height = height;
-       fb->tiling = tiling;
-       fb->drm_format = format;
        fb->fb_id = fb_id;
        return fb_id;
+ * igt_fb_gem_mmap:
+ * @fd: open i915 drm file descriptor
+ * @fb: pointer to an #igt_fb structure
+ *
+ * This function memory maps gem buffer for cpu access and saves mmap pointer
+ * in @fb.
+ */
+igt_fb_gem_mmap(int fd, struct igt_fb *fb)
+       if (!fb->mmap_gtt)
+               fb->mmap_gtt = gem_mmap__gtt(fd, fb->gem_handle, fb->size,
+                       PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
+       igt_assert(fb->mmap_gtt);
+ * igt_fb_csc_xrgb_to_nv12:
+ * @fd: open i915 drm file descriptor
+ * @width: width of the framebuffer to be converted
+ * @height: height of the framebuffer to be converted
+ * @dst: pointer to an #igt_fb structure holding destination framebuffer
+ * @src: pointer to an #igt_fb structure holding source framebuffer
+ *
+ * This function converts source framebuffer into destination framebuffer
+ * format. It also mmaps the underlying gem buffer if it isn't mmaped
+ * before.
+ *
+ * For now:
+ *    - it expects both src and dst fbs are same size and tiling
+ */
+igt_fb_csc_xrgb_to_nv12(int fd, struct igt_fb *dst_fb, struct igt_fb *src_fb)
+       unsigned char *nv12;
+       unsigned char *xrgb;
+       unsigned char y, v, u;
+       float yf, vf, uf;
+       unsigned char r, g, b;
+       int i, j;
+       int xrgb_pos;
+       int y_pos;
+       int uv_pos;
+       int uv_base;
+       unsigned int obj_tiling;
+       struct igt_fb *temp_src_fb, *temp_dst_fb;
+       struct igt_fb fb1, fb2;
+       int temp_src_id, temp_dst_id;
+       igt_assert(dst_fb);
+       igt_assert(src_fb);
+       igt_assert(dst_fb->width == src_fb->width);
+       igt_assert(dst_fb->height == src_fb->height);
+       igt_assert(src_fb->tiling == dst_fb->tiling);
+       igt_assert(src_fb->drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888);
+       igt_assert(dst_fb->drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_NV12);
+       /*
+        * Steps: Not the best approach but gets job done for igt
+        *     (1) create linear temp_src, temp_dst
+        *     (2) fast blit src --> temp src
+        *     (3) gem map temp_src, temp_dst
+        *     (4) host conversion & copy from temp src --> temp dst
+        *     (5) fast blit temp dst --> dst
+        *     (6) free temp fbs
+        *
+        * For Linear/X:
+        *     perform 3 & 4 only
+        * For Y/Yf:
+        *     perform all steps
+        */
+       if (src_fb->tiling == LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED ||
+               src_fb->tiling == LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Yf_TILED) {
+               temp_src_fb = &fb1;
+               temp_dst_fb = &fb2;
+               /* (1) create linear temp_src, temp_dst */
+               temp_src_id = igt_create_fb(fd,
+                       src_fb->width, src_fb->height,
+                       src_fb->drm_format,
+                       LOCAL_DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NONE,
+                       temp_src_fb);
+               igt_assert(temp_src_id);
+               temp_dst_id = igt_create_fb(fd,
+                       dst_fb->width, dst_fb->height,
+                       dst_fb->drm_format,
+                       LOCAL_DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NONE,
+                       temp_dst_fb);
+               igt_assert(temp_dst_id);
+               if (src_fb->tiling == LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED)
+                       obj_tiling = I915_TILING_Y;
+               else
+                       obj_tiling = I915_TILING_Yf;
+               /* (2) fast blit src --> temp src */
+               igt_blitter_fast_copy__raw(fd,
+                       src_fb->gem_handle,
+                       src_fb->stride,
+                       obj_tiling,
+                       0, 0,
+                       temp_src_fb->width, temp_src_fb->height,
+                       igt_drm_format_to_bpp(temp_src_fb->drm_format, 0),
+                       temp_src_fb->gem_handle,
+                       temp_src_fb->stride,
+                       I915_TILING_NONE,
+                       0, 0);
+       } else {
+               temp_src_fb = src_fb;
+               temp_dst_fb = dst_fb;
+       }
+       /* (3) gem map temp_src, temp_dst */
+       igt_fb_gem_mmap(fd, temp_src_fb);
+       igt_fb_gem_mmap(fd, temp_dst_fb);
+       /* (4) host conversion & copy from temp src --> temp dst */
+       xrgb = (unsigned char *) temp_src_fb->mmap_gtt;
+       nv12 = (unsigned char *) temp_dst_fb->mmap_gtt;
+       uv_base = temp_dst_fb->stride * temp_dst_fb->height;
+       for (i = 0; i < temp_src_fb->height; i++) {
+               xrgb_pos = i * temp_src_fb->stride;
+               y_pos = i * temp_dst_fb->stride;
+               uv_pos = temp_dst_fb->stride * i / 2;
+               for (j = 0; j < temp_src_fb->width; j++) {
+                       b = xrgb[xrgb_pos++];
+                       g = xrgb[xrgb_pos++];
+                       r = xrgb[xrgb_pos++];
+                       xrgb_pos++;
+                       /* use floats for intermediate calcs, to get better 
results */
+                       yf =  (0.257 * r) + (0.504 * g) + (0.098 * b) + 16;
+                       uf = -(0.148 * r) - (0.291 * g) + (0.439 * b) + 128;
+                       vf =  (0.439 * r) - (0.368 * g) - (0.071 * b) + 128;
+                       y = (unsigned char) yf;
+                       u = (unsigned char) uf;
+                       v = (unsigned char) vf;
+                       nv12[y_pos++] = y;
+                       if (!(j % 2) && !(i % 2)) {
+                               nv12[uv_base + uv_pos++] = u;
+                               nv12[uv_base + uv_pos++] = v;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       /* (5) fast blit temp dst --> dst */
+       if (dst_fb->tiling == LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Y_TILED ||
+               dst_fb->tiling == LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_Yf_TILED) {
+               /* blit y-plane */
+               igt_blitter_fast_copy__raw(fd,
+                       temp_dst_fb->gem_handle,
+                       temp_dst_fb->stride,
+                       I915_TILING_NONE,
+                       0, 0,
+                       dst_fb->width, dst_fb->height,
+                       igt_drm_format_to_bpp(dst_fb->drm_format, 0),
+                       dst_fb->gem_handle,
+                       dst_fb->stride,
+                       obj_tiling,
+                       0, 0);
+               /* blit uv-plane */
+               igt_blitter_fast_copy__raw(fd,
+                       temp_dst_fb->gem_handle,
+                       temp_dst_fb->stride,
+                       I915_TILING_NONE,
+                       0, temp_dst_fb->uv_y_start,
+                       dst_fb->width, dst_fb->height,
+                       igt_drm_format_to_bpp(dst_fb->drm_format, 1),
+                       dst_fb->gem_handle,
+                       dst_fb->stride,
+                       obj_tiling,
+                       0, dst_fb->uv_y_start);
+               /* (6) free temp fbs */
+               igt_remove_fb(fd, temp_src_fb);
+               igt_remove_fb(fd, temp_dst_fb);
+       }
  * igt_create_fb:
  * @fd: open i915 drm file descriptor
  * @width: width of the framebuffer in pixel
@@ -686,6 +959,7 @@ static void destroy_cairo_surface__blit(void *arg)
                                   0, 0, /* src_x, src_y */
                                   fb->width, fb->height,
+                                  0,
@@ -712,8 +986,8 @@ static void create_cairo_surface__blit(int fd, struct 
igt_fb *fb)
         * cairo). This linear bo will be then blitted to its final
         * destination, tiling it at the same time.
-       bpp = igt_drm_format_to_bpp(fb->drm_format);
-       ret = create_bo_for_fb(fd, fb->width, fb->height, bpp,
+       bpp = igt_drm_format_to_bpp(fb->drm_format, 0);
+       ret = create_bo_for_fb(fd, fb->width, fb->height, bpp, 0,
                                LOCAL_DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NONE, 0,
@@ -734,6 +1008,7 @@ static void create_cairo_surface__blit(int fd, struct 
igt_fb *fb)
                                   0, 0, /* src_x, src_y */
                                   fb->width, fb->height,
+                                  bpp,
@@ -893,15 +1168,24 @@ uint32_t igt_bpp_depth_to_drm_format(int bpp, int depth)
  * igt_drm_format_to_bpp:
  * @drm_format: drm fourcc pixel format code
+ * @plane: plane id
  * Returns:
  * The bits per pixel for the given drm fourcc pixel format code. Fails hard if
  * no match was found.
-uint32_t igt_drm_format_to_bpp(uint32_t drm_format)
+uint32_t igt_drm_format_to_bpp(uint32_t drm_format, int plane)
        struct format_desc_struct *f;
+       if (drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_NV12 && plane == 0)
+               return 8;
+       if (drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_NV12 && plane == 1)
+               return 16;
+       if (plane)
+               return 0;
                if (f->drm_id == drm_format)
                        return f->bpp;
diff --git a/lib/igt_fb.h b/lib/igt_fb.h
index a07acd2..9e227e8 100644
--- a/lib/igt_fb.h
+++ b/lib/igt_fb.h
@@ -54,10 +54,13 @@ struct igt_fb {
        uint64_t tiling;
        unsigned size;
        cairo_surface_t *cairo_surface;
+       void *mmap_gtt;
        uint32_t src_x;
        uint32_t src_y;
        uint32_t src_w;
        uint32_t src_h;
+       uint32_t uv_y_start;
+       uint32_t uv_offset;
 enum igt_text_align {
@@ -82,6 +85,9 @@ unsigned int igt_create_color_fb(int fd, int width, int 
 unsigned int igt_create_stereo_fb(int drm_fd, drmModeModeInfo *mode,
                                  uint32_t format, uint64_t tiling);
 void igt_remove_fb(int fd, struct igt_fb *fb);
+void igt_fb_gem_mmap(int fd, struct igt_fb *fb);
+void igt_fb_csc_xrgb_to_nv12(int fd, struct igt_fb *dst, struct igt_fb *src);
+void igt_fb_calc_uv(struct igt_fb *fb);
 /* cairo-based painting */
 cairo_t *igt_get_cairo_ctx(int fd, struct igt_fb *fb);
@@ -98,10 +104,11 @@ void igt_write_fb_to_png(int fd, struct igt_fb *fb, const 
char *filename);
 int igt_cairo_printf_line(cairo_t *cr, enum igt_text_align align,
                               double yspacing, const char *fmt, ...)
                               __attribute__((format (printf, 4, 5)));
+void igt_get_image_size(const char *filename, int *width, int *height);
 /* helpers to handle drm fourcc codes */
 uint32_t igt_bpp_depth_to_drm_format(int bpp, int depth);
-uint32_t igt_drm_format_to_bpp(uint32_t drm_format);
+uint32_t igt_drm_format_to_bpp(uint32_t drm_format, int plane);
 const char *igt_format_str(uint32_t drm_format);
 void igt_get_all_formats(const uint32_t **formats, int *format_count);
diff --git a/lib/intel_batchbuffer.c b/lib/intel_batchbuffer.c
index 8b68e52..a2cd6ab 100644
--- a/lib/intel_batchbuffer.c
+++ b/lib/intel_batchbuffer.c
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ static uint32_t fast_copy_dword0(unsigned int src_tiling,
 static uint32_t fast_copy_dword1(unsigned int src_tiling,
-                                unsigned int dst_tiling)
+                                unsigned int dst_tiling, uint32_t color_depth)
        uint32_t dword1 = 0;
@@ -527,7 +527,10 @@ static uint32_t fast_copy_dword1(unsigned int src_tiling,
        if (dst_tiling == I915_TILING_Yf)
                dword1 |= XY_FAST_COPY_DST_TILING_Yf;
-       dword1 |= XY_FAST_COPY_COLOR_DEPTH_32;
+       if (color_depth == 8)
+               dword1 |= XY_FAST_COPY_COLOR_DEPTH_8;
+       else
+               dword1 |= XY_FAST_COPY_COLOR_DEPTH_32;
        return dword1;
@@ -585,6 +588,7 @@ static void exec_blit(int fd,
  * @src_y: Y coordinate of the source region to copy
  * @width: Width of the region to copy
  * @height: Height of the region to copy
+ * @color_depth: Color depth of the buffer
  * @dst_handle: GEM handle of the source buffer
  * @dst_stride: Stride (in bytes) of the destination buffer
  * @dst_tiling: Tiling mode of the destination buffer
@@ -602,6 +606,7 @@ void igt_blitter_fast_copy__raw(int fd,
                                /* size */
                                unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
+                               uint32_t color_depth,
                                /* dst */
                                uint32_t dst_handle,
@@ -620,7 +625,7 @@ void igt_blitter_fast_copy__raw(int fd,
        src_pitch = fast_copy_pitch(src_stride, src_tiling);
        dst_pitch = fast_copy_pitch(dst_stride, dst_tiling);
        dword0 = fast_copy_dword0(src_tiling, dst_tiling);
-       dword1 = fast_copy_dword1(src_tiling, dst_tiling);
+       dword1 = fast_copy_dword1(src_tiling, dst_tiling, color_depth);
 #define CHECK_RANGE(x) ((x) >= 0 && (x) < (1 << 15))
        assert(CHECK_RANGE(src_x) && CHECK_RANGE(src_y) &&
@@ -670,6 +675,7 @@ void igt_blitter_fast_copy__raw(int fd,
  * @src_y: source pixel y-coordination
  * @width: width of the copied rectangle
  * @height: height of the copied rectangle
+ * @color_depth: Color depth of the buffer
  * @dst: destination i-g-t buffer object
  * @dst_x: destination pixel x-coordination
  * @dst_y: destination pixel y-coordination
@@ -680,7 +686,7 @@ void igt_blitter_fast_copy__raw(int fd,
 void igt_blitter_fast_copy(struct intel_batchbuffer *batch,
                           struct igt_buf *src, unsigned src_x, unsigned src_y,
-                          unsigned width, unsigned height,
+                          unsigned width, unsigned height, uint32_t 
                           struct igt_buf *dst, unsigned dst_x, unsigned dst_y)
        uint32_t src_pitch, dst_pitch;
@@ -689,7 +695,7 @@ void igt_blitter_fast_copy(struct intel_batchbuffer *batch,
        src_pitch = fast_copy_pitch(src->stride, src->tiling);
        dst_pitch = fast_copy_pitch(dst->stride, src->tiling);
        dword0 = fast_copy_dword0(src->tiling, dst->tiling);
-       dword1 = fast_copy_dword1(src->tiling, dst->tiling);
+       dword1 = fast_copy_dword1(src->tiling, dst->tiling, color_depth);
 #define CHECK_RANGE(x) ((x) >= 0 && (x) < (1 << 15))
        assert(CHECK_RANGE(src_x) && CHECK_RANGE(src_y) &&
diff --git a/lib/intel_batchbuffer.h b/lib/intel_batchbuffer.h
index 62c8396..0e0feed 100644
--- a/lib/intel_batchbuffer.h
+++ b/lib/intel_batchbuffer.h
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ unsigned igt_buf_height(struct igt_buf *buf);
 void igt_blitter_fast_copy(struct intel_batchbuffer *batch,
                          struct igt_buf *src, unsigned src_x, unsigned src_y,
-                         unsigned width, unsigned height,
+                         unsigned width, unsigned height, uint32_t color_depth,
                          struct igt_buf *dst, unsigned dst_x, unsigned dst_y);
 void igt_blitter_fast_copy__raw(int fd,
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ void igt_blitter_fast_copy__raw(int fd,
                                /* size */
                                unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
+                               uint32_t color_depth,
                                /* dst */
                                uint32_t dst_handle,
diff --git a/lib/intel_reg.h b/lib/intel_reg.h
index 0ffa803..9f3de7a 100644
--- a/lib/intel_reg.h
+++ b/lib/intel_reg.h
 /* dword 1 */
 #define   XY_FAST_COPY_SRC_TILING_Yf                   (1 <<  31)
 #define   XY_FAST_COPY_DST_TILING_Yf                   (1 <<  30)
+#define   XY_FAST_COPY_COLOR_DEPTH_8                   (0  << 24)
 #define   XY_FAST_COPY_COLOR_DEPTH_32                  (3  << 24)
 #define MI_STORE_DWORD_IMM             ((0x20<<23)|2)
diff --git a/lib/ioctl_wrappers.c b/lib/ioctl_wrappers.c
index a269d0f..93717a0 100644
--- a/lib/ioctl_wrappers.c
+++ b/lib/ioctl_wrappers.c
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 #include "intel_chipset.h"
 #include "intel_io.h"
 #include "igt_debugfs.h"
+#include "igt_fb.h"
 #include "config.h"
 #include "ioctl_wrappers.h"
@@ -1221,7 +1222,7 @@ void igt_require_fb_modifiers(int fd)
 int __kms_addfb(int fd, uint32_t handle, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
                uint32_t stride, uint32_t pixel_format, uint64_t modifier,
-               uint32_t flags, uint32_t *buf_id)
+               uint32_t uv_offset, uint32_t flags, uint32_t *buf_id)
        struct local_drm_mode_fb_cmd2 f;
        int ret;
@@ -1238,6 +1239,13 @@ int __kms_addfb(int fd, uint32_t handle, uint32_t width, 
uint32_t height,
        f.pitches[0] = stride;
        f.modifier[0] = modifier;
+       if (pixel_format == DRM_FORMAT_NV12) {
+               f.handles[1] = handle;
+               f.pitches[1] = stride;
+               f.offsets[1] = uv_offset;
+               f.modifier[1] = modifier;
+       }
        ret = drmIoctl(fd, LOCAL_DRM_IOCTL_MODE_ADDFB2, &f);
        *buf_id = f.fb_id;
diff --git a/lib/ioctl_wrappers.h b/lib/ioctl_wrappers.h
index bc5d4bd..3d93a5e 100644
--- a/lib/ioctl_wrappers.h
+++ b/lib/ioctl_wrappers.h
@@ -175,6 +175,6 @@ void igt_require_fb_modifiers(int fd);
 int __kms_addfb(int fd, uint32_t handle, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
                uint32_t stride, uint32_t pixel_format, uint64_t modifier,
-               uint32_t flags, uint32_t *buf_id);
+               uint32_t uv_offset, uint32_t flags, uint32_t *buf_id);
 #endif /* IOCTL_WRAPPERS_H */
diff --git a/tests/kms_render.c b/tests/kms_render.c
index 1759eaa..4a7aaec 100644
--- a/tests/kms_render.c
+++ b/tests/kms_render.c
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ static void gpu_blit(struct igt_fb *dst_fb, struct igt_fb 
        igt_assert(dst_fb->drm_format == src_fb->drm_format);
        igt_assert(src_fb->drm_format == DRM_FORMAT_RGB565 ||
-              igt_drm_format_to_bpp(src_fb->drm_format) != 16);
-       bpp = igt_drm_format_to_bpp(src_fb->drm_format);
+              igt_drm_format_to_bpp(src_fb->drm_format, 0) != 16);
+       bpp = igt_drm_format_to_bpp(src_fb->drm_format, 0);
        dst_bo = gem_handle_to_libdrm_bo(bufmgr, drm_fd, "destination",

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