This adds a hint on where the call trace originated from with a helper
macro GUESS_ORIGIN. As its name says, it is more of a guess, but still, it
seems to be quite accurate on most of the traces.

The results of the heuristics are printed at the end of the decoding:

0x00062fe8:      0x00000000: MI_NOOP
0x00062fec:      0x00000000: MI_NOOP
0x00062ff0:      0x00000000: MI_NOOP
0x00062ff4:      0x00000000: MI_NOOP
0x00062ff8:      0x00000000: MI_NOOP
0x00062ffc:      0x00000000: MI_NOOP
Heuristics analysis:
Possible origin: mesa (indicated by 3DSTATE_CONSTANT_VS_STATE)
Possible origin: mesa (indicated by 3DSTATE_VS_STATE)

Signed-off-by: Eugeni Dodonov <>
 tools/intel_decode.c       |   54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tools/intel_decode.h       |    1 +
 tools/intel_error_decode.c |    1 +
 3 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/intel_decode.c b/tools/intel_decode.c
index d1218cd..c519888 100644
--- a/tools/intel_decode.c
+++ b/tools/intel_decode.c
@@ -46,6 +46,48 @@ static uint32_t tail_offset = 0xffffffff; /* undefined */
     return count;                                              \
 } while (0)
+struct _heuristic_t {
+       char *possible_origin;
+       char *opcode_name;
+       int opcode;
+} heuristics[10];
+int cur_heuristic=0;
+ * This macro attempts to guess origin of the hang, or original caller of the
+ * batchbuffer by matching the opcodes to possible origins defined below
+ */
+#define GUESS_ORIGIN(opcode, opcodes) for (int i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(opcodes); 
i++) \
+               if (opcode == opcodes[i].opcode) \
+                       if (opcodes[i].possible_origin && cur_heuristic < 
ARRAY_SIZE(heuristics)) { \
+                               int duplicate = 0; \
+                               for (int j=0; j < cur_heuristic; j++) { \
+                                       if (heuristics[j].opcode == opcode) \
+                                               duplicate = 1; \
+                               } \
+                               if (!duplicate) { \
+                                       struct _heuristic_t tmp = { 
opcodes[i].possible_origin, opcodes[i].name, opcodes[i].opcode }; \
+                                       heuristics[cur_heuristic++] = tmp; \
+                                       } \
+                       }
+       int i;
+       fprintf(out, "Heuristics analysis:\n");
+       if (cur_heuristic == 0)
+               fprintf(out, "Nothing suspicious.\n");
+       else {
+               for (i=0; i < cur_heuristic; i++) {
+                       fprintf(out, "Possible origin: %s (indicated by %s)\n",
+                                       heuristics[i].possible_origin,
+                                       heuristics[i].opcode_name);
+               }
+               if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(heuristics))
+                       fprintf(out, "Heuristics buffer full, additional 
guesses not attempted\n");
+       }
 static float
 int_as_float(uint32_t intval)
@@ -94,6 +136,7 @@ decode_mi(uint32_t *data, int count, uint32_t hw_offset, int 
        int min_len;
        int max_len;
        char *name;
+       char *possible_origin;
     } opcodes_mi[] = {
        { 0x08, 0, 1, 1, "MI_ARB_ON_OFF" },
        { 0x0a, 0, 1, 1, "MI_BATCH_BUFFER_END" },
@@ -223,6 +266,7 @@ decode_2d(uint32_t *data, int count, uint32_t hw_offset, 
int *failures)
        int min_len;
        int max_len;
        char *name;
+       char *possible_origin;
     } opcodes_2d[] = {
        { 0x40, 5, 5, "COLOR_BLT" },
        { 0x43, 6, 6, "SRC_COPY_BLT" },
@@ -993,6 +1037,7 @@ decode_3d_1d(uint32_t *data, int count,
        int min_len;
        int max_len;
        char *name;
+       char *possible_origin;
     } opcodes_3d_1d[] = {
        { 0x86, 0, 4, 4, "3DSTATE_CHROMA_KEY" },
        { 0x88, 0, 2, 2, "3DSTATE_CONSTANT_BLEND_COLOR" },
@@ -1836,6 +1881,7 @@ decode_3d(uint32_t *data, int count, uint32_t hw_offset, 
uint32_t devid, int *fa
        int min_len;
        int max_len;
        char *name;
+       char *possible_origin;
     } opcodes_3d[] = {
        { 0x06, 1, 1, "3DSTATE_ANTI_ALIASING" },
        { 0x08, 1, 1, "3DSTATE_BACKFACE_STENCIL_OPS" },
@@ -2061,6 +2107,7 @@ decode_3d_965(uint32_t *data, int count, uint32_t 
hw_offset, uint32_t devid, int
        int min_len;
        int max_len;
        char *name;
+       char *possible_origin;
     } opcodes_3d[] = {
        { 0x6000, 3, 3, "URB_FENCE" },
        { 0x6001, 2, 2, "CS_URB_STATE" },
@@ -2094,12 +2141,12 @@ decode_3d_965(uint32_t *data, int count, uint32_t 
hw_offset, uint32_t devid, int
        { 0x780d, 4, 4, "3DSTATE_VIEWPORT_STATE_POINTERS" },
        { 0x780e, 4, 4, "3DSTATE_CC_STATE_POINTERS" },
        { 0x780f, 2, 2, "3DSTATE_SCISSOR_STATE_POINTERS" },
-       { 0x7810, 6, 6, "3DSTATE_VS_STATE" },
+       { 0x7810, 6, 6, "3DSTATE_VS_STATE", "mesa" },
        { 0x7811, 7, 7, "3DSTATE_GS_STATE" },
        { 0x7812, 4, 4, "3DSTATE_CLIP_STATE" },
        { 0x7813, 20, 20, "3DSTATE_SF_STATE" },
        { 0x7814, 9, 9, "3DSTATE_WM_STATE" },
-       { 0x7815, 5, 5, "3DSTATE_CONSTANT_VS_STATE" },
+       { 0x7815, 5, 5, "3DSTATE_CONSTANT_VS_STATE", "mesa" },
        { 0x7816, 5, 5, "3DSTATE_CONSTANT_GS_STATE" },
        { 0x7817, 5, 5, "3DSTATE_CONSTANT_PS_STATE" },
        { 0x7818, 2, 2, "3DSTATE_SAMPLE_MASK" },
@@ -2108,6 +2155,8 @@ decode_3d_965(uint32_t *data, int count, uint32_t 
hw_offset, uint32_t devid, int
     len = (data[0] & 0x0000ffff) + 2;
     opcode = (data[0] & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
+       /* Try to guess where the issue comes from */
+       GUESS_ORIGIN(opcode, opcodes_3d);
     switch (opcode) {
     case 0x6000:
        len = (data[0] & 0x000000ff) + 2;
@@ -2710,6 +2759,7 @@ decode_3d_i830(uint32_t *data, int count, uint32_t 
hw_offset, uint32_t devid, in
        int min_len;
        int max_len;
        char *name;
+       char *possible_origin;
     } opcodes_3d[] = {
        { 0x02, 1, 1, "3DSTATE_MODES_3" },
        { 0x03, 1, 1, "3DSTATE_ENABLES_1"},
diff --git a/tools/intel_decode.h b/tools/intel_decode.h
index 1dec8fe..b5ef79c 100644
--- a/tools/intel_decode.h
+++ b/tools/intel_decode.h
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@ int intel_decode(uint32_t *data, int count,
                 uint32_t ignore_end_of_batchbuffer);
 void intel_decode_context_set_head_tail(uint32_t head, uint32_t tail);
 void intel_decode_context_reset(void);
+void print_heuristics(void);
diff --git a/tools/intel_error_decode.c b/tools/intel_error_decode.c
index 0ad6645..6bdaf33 100644
--- a/tools/intel_error_decode.c
+++ b/tools/intel_error_decode.c
@@ -369,6 +369,7 @@ read_data_file (FILE *file)
     if (count) {
        printf("%s at 0x%08x:\n", buffer_type[is_batch], gtt_offset);
        intel_decode (data, count, gtt_offset, devid, 0);
+    print_heuristics();
     free (data);

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