On 2020-04-21 20:40, Michael Menge wrote:
Quoting Olaf Frączyk <o...@navi.pl>:
Yes, at the beginning I was also thinking if initial sync is
necessary, but there was nothing in docs about it, something started
replicating and I simply assumed it does initial resync. I'll try it
this evening. :)
Since you use replication - are sieve scripts replicated as well?
There is -s option called sieve mode but it needs to specify which
users' files are to replicate and there is written that it is mostly
for debugging.
Yes, sieve scripts are replicated.
The way the rolling replication works is, that every time something is
on the master a "hint" is written in the sync log,
"MAILBOX user.foo.bar" indicates that the mailbox bar of the user foo
has changed
and the sync_client will sync this (and only this folder)
There are other "hints" e.g for changed subscription or changed sieve
But if the sieve script is not changed sync_client in rolling
will not try to sync it. Using the -A or -u Option will sync the all/some
users, including all mailboxes, folder subscriptions and sieve scripts.
The -s option is only needed if you change a compiled sieve script so
that it is not logged in the replication log.
I did replication with -A. It looks that everything works properly now.
Sieve scripts were also transferred :)
It is good to know, that if I change compiled script manually it needs
additional attention.
Thank you very much for help :)
M.Menge Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
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