I think Michael's got this pretty much covered -- you need to disable the 
rolling replication for now, and then use sync_client -u (or if you're brave, 
sync_client -A) to get an initial sync of everything.  These two options work 
entire-user-at-a-time, so they should detect and fix the problems introduced by 
the partial rolling sync.  

If you have mailboxes in a shared namespace (i.e. that are outside the user/ 
namespace), they won't be replicated by -u or -A.  You'll need to initially 
replicate those individually with sync_client -m.

Once you've got a complete initial sync done, you can use rolling replication 
to keep the replica up to date.  You can put the rolling 'sync_client -r' in 
the DAEMON section, so that Cyrus will restart it if it exits.  Or you could 
manage it from outside Cyrus, e.g. via systemd/initd if you prefer.

You cannot put sync_client in the SERVICES section.  The SERVICES section is 
for service processes (i.e. processes that listen on a socket and service 
client requests).  sync_client is a client, not a service.



On Wed, Apr 22, 2020, at 4:40 AM, Michael Menge wrote:
> Quoting Olaf Frączyk <o...@navi.pl>:
> >
> > Yes, at the beginning I was also thinking if initial sync is  
> > necessary, but there was nothing in docs about it, something started  
> > replicating and I simply assumed it does initial resync. I'll try it  
> > this evening. :)
> >
> > Since you use replication - are sieve scripts replicated as well?  
> > There is -s option called sieve mode but it needs to specify which  
> > users' files are to replicate and there is written that it is mostly  
> > for debugging.
> >
> Yes, sieve scripts are replicated.
> The way the rolling replication works is, that every time something is changed
> on the master a "hint" is written in the sync log,
> "MAILBOX user.foo.bar" indicates that the mailbox bar of the user foo  
> has changed
> and the sync_client will sync this (and only this folder)
> There are other "hints" e.g for changed subscription or changed sieve script.
> But if the  sieve script is not changed sync_client in rolling replication
> will not try to sync it. Using the -A or -u Option will sync the all/some
> users, including all mailboxes, folder subscriptions and sieve scripts.
> The -s option is only needed if you change a compiled sieve script so
> that it is not logged in the replication log.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> M.Menge                                Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
> Universität Tübingen                   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
> Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung          mail:  
> michael.me...@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
> Wächterstraße 76
> 72074 Tübingen
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