On 05.08.2019 10:26, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
So this means that default domain is not treated as a virutal domain mailbox.
What I want to achieve is:
- if the user try to authenticate with name.lastn...@domain.com <mailto:name.lastn...@domain.com> , get into the specific user/name.lastn...@domain.com mailbox - if the user try to authenticate with name.lastname, authenticate against a default domain defdomain.com, and if it's correct, get into the specific user/name.lastn...@defdomain.com
How can I do this?
As far as I understand, this is impossible.

You can try to transfer information about the boxes and the boxes themselves from the places where you have it now,
to the place where the default domain should be. After that, run 
But I'm not completely sure.


*Sonicle S.r.l. *: http://www.sonicle.com <http://www.sonicle.com/>
*Music: *http://www.gabrielebulfon.com <http://www.gabrielebulfon.com/>
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*Da:* Eugene V. Boontseff <eug...@home.wdc.spb.ru>
*A:* Gabriele Bulfon <gbul...@sonicle.com>
*Data:* 3 agosto 2019 17.54.36 CEST
*Oggetto:* Re: Cyrus 2.5.11 default domain on auth

    On 31.07.2019 11:42, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:

        If I try adding defaultdomain, what happens is that
        authentication works both with and without specifying domain,
        but then you're not on your normal inbox of
        user/name.lastn...@domain.com but somewhere else strange, a
        SELECT INBOX returns mailbox not found.
        What's wrong? How can I achieve my goal?

    Default domain mailboxes look like this: user/name.lastname


-- Eugene

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