Hello, we have Cyrus installations with virtual domains for years. Users usually authenticate via imap as name.lastn...@domain.com and get to their inboxes. I have now a situation where I need to let users authenticate just with name.lastname and let the system fill in the default domain. Here is our saslauthd.conf: ldap_servers: ldap://localhost/ ldap_default_domain: sonicle.com ldap_search_base: ou=People,dc=%2,dc=%1 ldap_auth_method: bind ldap_filter: uid=%u and this imapd.conf: allowusermoves: 1 lmtp_downcase_rcpt: 1 configdirectory: /sonicle/var/imap partition-default: /sonicle/var/spool/imap sievedir: /sonicle/var/sieve sieve_extensions: fileinto reject vacation vacation-seconds imapflags imap4flags notify envelope relational regex subaddress copy date sieve_utf8fileinto: 1 sieve_vacation_min_response: 0 admins: sonicle sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd allowplaintext: yes sasl_mech_list: plain tls_ca_file: /sonicle/ssl/certs/acme/fullchain.pem tls_cert_file: /sonicle/ssl/certs/acme/cert.pem tls_key_file: /sonicle/ssl/certs/acme/key.pem altnamespace: yes virtdomains: userid unixhierarchysep: 1 duplicatesuppression: 0 sendmail: /sonicle/sbin/sendmail xlist-archive: Archives xlist-drafts: Drafts xlist-sent: Sent xlist-spam: Spam xlist-trash: Trash If I try adding defaultdomain, what happens is that authentication works both with and without specifying domain, but then you're not on your normal inbox of user/name.lastn...@domain.com but somewhere else strange, a SELECT INBOX returns mailbox not found. What's wrong? How can I achieve my goal? Thanks! Gabriele Sonicle S.r.l. : http://www.sonicle.com Music: http://www.gabrielebulfon.com Quantum Mechanics : http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/gabrielebulfon
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