Quoting <michael.me...@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>

> From what System (Cyrus / non-Cyrus, Version ) to what System  (Version) did 
> you migrate,
> and how was the migration done? (rsync, scp, cyrus replication, via imap).
> How are the mails sorted in roundcube (Date, UID)?

The old server is running cyrus-imap @2.2.13, and the new one @2.5.10.
The migration was done using rsync with the AHR flags. And in Roundcube
the messages are sorted by date by default. 
Hiago Prata
Graduando em Engenharia da Computação
DataCenter da UFPA - CTIC
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Computação e Telecomunicações - ITEC
Universidade Federal do Pará
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