Am Montag, 5. Februar 2018, 15:26:59 CET schrieb Hiago Prata:
> After the migration of all users I was supposed to migrate to a new
> server, some of them reported that in some of their mailboxes
> subdirectories the display order of the messages is all messed up, with
> messages received or sent months ago being shown before them most recent
> ones. I thought it might be date format or something related, but all
> dates of creation and access of all mailboxes look the same.
> Any thoughts about that?

This sounds like that the timestamps have to be "recalculated" from the mail 
headers of the emails to get the correct timestamps back on them. I typically 
use imapsync for this and imapsync has a integrated option / switch for this 
to do this automatically.

But i can just shoot into the dark, as i do not know how you migrated"...

good luck,


 Niels Dettenbach
 Syndicat IT & Internet

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