Hi Wolfgang,

thanks for your answer.

Am 22.04.2016 um 11:06 schrieb Wolfgang Breyha:
> Jan Kowalsky via Info-cyrus wrote on 22/04/16 01:28:
>> First I tried to dump the mailbox.db with ctl_mboxlist -d /tmp/mailboxes.txt
>> After deleting the wrong entry manually I wanted to reload the mailbox
>> again with ctl_mboxlist -u /tmp/mailboxes.txt. All operation with
>> stopped cyrus.
> Have you renamed your mailboxes.db after using -d and before using -u?
> Otherwise ctl_mboxlist will import your dump into the existing mailboxes.db.
> And are this exactly the commands you used?

Yes. But I'll give this a try:

> I think
> ctl_mboxlist -d >/tmp/mailboxes.txt
> and
> ctl_mboxlist -f /tmp/mailboxes.db.new -u </tmp/mailboxes.txt
> should be used since both read/write to STDIN/OUT.

unfortunately with the same result:

root@mail:~/cyrus-debug# /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -d >
root@mail:~/cyrus-debug# vi /tmp/mboxlist.txt
root@mail:~/cyrus-debug# /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -f
/tmp/mailboxes.db.new -u  < /tmp/mboxlist.txt
fatal error: failed to mmap /tmp/mailboxes.db.new.NEW file
root@mail:~/cyrus-debug# ls -l /tmp/mailboxes.db.new*
-rw------- 1 cyrus mail 2219712 Apr 22 22:06 /tmp/mailboxes.db.new
-rw------- 1 cyrus mail   11400 Apr 22 22:06 /tmp/mailboxes.db.new.NEW

I found the cyr_dbtool command.

Is the "cyr_dbtool delete key" maybe meant for this too?

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