Jan Kowalsky via Info-cyrus wrote on 22/04/16 01:28: > First I tried to dump the mailbox.db with ctl_mboxlist -d /tmp/mailboxes.txt > > After deleting the wrong entry manually I wanted to reload the mailbox > again with ctl_mboxlist -u /tmp/mailboxes.txt. All operation with > stopped cyrus.
Have you renamed your mailboxes.db after using -d and before using -u? Otherwise ctl_mboxlist will import your dump into the existing mailboxes.db. And are this exactly the commands you used? I think ctl_mboxlist -d >/tmp/mailboxes.txt and ctl_mboxlist -f /tmp/mailboxes.db.new -u </tmp/mailboxes.txt should be used since both read/write to STDIN/OUT. Greetings, Wolfgang -- Wolfgang Breyha <wbre...@gmx.net> | http://www.blafasel.at/ Vienna University Computer Center | Austria ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/ List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/ To Unsubscribe: https://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/mailman/listinfo/info-cyrus