On Wed, October 14, 2015 11:55 am, Eric Luyten wrote:
> On Tue, October 13, 2015 10:43 pm, Bron Gondwana wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015, at 00:26, k...@rice.edu wrote:
>>> The El Capitan Mac Mail was recently released. It definitely has a
>>> problem. We saw our typical sync log size go from 10k when busy to 100k+.
>>> We are
>>> going to recommend that people wait to upgrade to that release until the
>>> problem is addressed.
>> I'll look into whether this is a problem (or as much of a problem) on later
>>  releases! Just to be clear - have you tracked the issue down to the
>> command using IO?
> Bron,
> I am more leaning towards issues in the handling of "IDLE"
> Is that a 'DONE' with a tag in the (almost) middle ???
> <1444816251<8<1444816251<7314.6476 IDLE
>> 1444816251>+ idling
> <1444816251<D<1444816251<ONE
>> 1444816251>87314.6476 OK Completed
> <1444816251<8<1444816251<7315.6476 EXPUNGE
>> 1444816251>* 0 EXISTS
> * 0 RECENT
> 87315.6476 OK Completed
> <1444816251<8<1444816251<7316.6476 IDLE
>> 1444816251>+ idling
> <1444816251<D<1444816251<ONE
>> 1444816251>87316.6476 OK Completed
> <1444816251<8<1444816251<7317.6476 EXPUNGE
>> 1444816251>* 0 EXISTS
> * 0 RECENT
> 87317.6476 OK Completed
> <1444816251<8<1444816251<7318.6476 IDLE
>> 1444816251>+ idling
> <1444816251<D<1444816251<ONE
>> 1444816251>87318.6476 OK Completed
> <1444816251<8<1444816251<7319.6476 EXPUNGE
>> 1444816251>* 0 EXISTS
> * 0 RECENT
> 87319.6476 OK Completed
>> From http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2177 :
> "The IDLE command is sent from the client to the server when the
> client is ready to accept unsolicited mailbox update messages.  The server
> requests a response to the IDLE command using the continuation ("+") response.
> The IDLE command remains active until the client
> responds to the continuation, and as long as an IDLE command is active, the
> server is now free to send untagged EXISTS, EXPUNGE, and other messages at any
> time.
> The IDLE command is terminated by the receipt of a "DONE"
> continuation from the client; such response satisfies the server's 
> continuation
> request.  "
> Again ... if this has been solved in 2.4 or 2.5 branches, we'll upgrade
> (management decisions on moving to Google Apps or Office365 taken into
> account)

Apologies for following up on follow-ups to myself...

It looks like a timestamp, not a tag.
Perhaps the telemetry logging is 2.3 was not 100% bugfree...

Q: Why does Mac Mail generate an unneeded 'EXPUNGE' ?

Bron, how can I turn off 'IDLE' in my 2.3 server capabilities ?

Eric Luyten, Computing Centre VUB/ULB.

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