
I've just installed Postfix compiled with SASL2 and Cyrus-SASL / Cyrus-Imap
onto a WBEL3 server.  I rebuilt both the cyrus-sasl and imap pkgs myself, so
I am certain that they were built with the same version of db4.  When I try
to test my cyrus-Imapd connection with "cyradm", I am failing.  I am getting
an error "perl: No worthy mechs found.".  I'm somewhat new to all this, so
am not sure what this means.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Right now, I have the following packages installed:
postfix- (compiled for MySQL, sasl2, VDA)

I am following the Postfix-Cyrus-Web-cyradm-HOWTO.  My command line is the
> saslpasswd2 -c cyrus
> Password: secret
> Again (for verification): secret

When I try to connect with cyradm:
> cyradm --user cyrus --server localhost --auth plain
> Password: secret
> IMAP Password: secret

I get the following errors in my /var/log/auth.log:
May 10 00:47:21 linuxmail perl: No worthy mechs found
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail imap(pam_unix)[31961]: authentication failure;
logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost=  user=cyrus
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: pam_sm_authenticate called.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: dbuser changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: dbpasswd changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: host changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: database changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: table changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: usercolumn changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: passwdcolumn changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: crypt changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: logtable changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: logmsgcolumn changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: logusercolumn changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: loghostcolumn changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: logpidcolumn changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: logtimecolumn changed.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: db_connect  called.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: returning 0 .
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: db_checkpasswd called.
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: pam_mysql: where clause =
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: SELECT password FROM accountuser
WHERE username='cyrus'
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: pam_mysql: select returned an
invalid encrypted password
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: returning 7 .
May 10 00:52:01 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: returning 7 after
May 10 00:52:04 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: DEBUG: auth_pam:
pam_authenticate failed: Authentication failure
May 10 00:52:04 linuxmail saslauthd[31961]: do_auth         : auth failure:
[user=cyrus] [service=imap] [realm=] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]

May 10 01:12:50 linuxmail imap[31979]: accepted connection
May 10 01:12:50 linuxmail master[32099]: about to exec
May 10 01:12:50 linuxmail imap[32099]: executed
May 10 01:13:00 linuxmail imap[31979]: badlogin: localhost.localdomain
[] PLAIN [SASL(-4): no mechanism available: security flags do not
match required]
May 10 01:13:11 linuxmail imap[31979]: badlogin: localhost.localdomain
[] plaintext cyrus SASL(-13): authentication failure: checkpass

Like I said, I'm somewhat new to all this, so do not entirely understand
what these log messages are telling me.  What does "No worthy mech found"
mean?  Secondly, why would I get a pam_mysql: select returned an invalid
encrypted password?  I'm trying to use plain passwords for the moment, until
I am certain everything is working.  My passwords in my MySql DB are in
plain text.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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