Am Dienstag, 11. Mai 2004 00:18 schrieb Eric B.: > I tried recompiling / reinstalling with the following flags: > --enable-static --with-pic --enable-shared --disable-java \ > --with-plugindir=/usr/lib/sasl2 \ > --disable-krb4 \ > --enable-gssapi=/usr/kerberos \ > --with-rc4 \ > --with-dblib=berkeley \ > --with-saslauthd=/var/run/saslauthd --without-pwcheck \ > --enable-anon \ > --enable-cram \ > --enable-digest \ > --enable-plain \ > --enable-login \ > --enable-ntlm \ > --enable-sql \ > --with-ldap \ > --with-mysql=/usr
Search for your mysql-files. Where are your includes? For example mysql.h. Where are the Libs? Normal libmysqlclient.*? > But am still getting the following when I launch cyrus-master in my > auth.log: (I also tried with --with-mysql=/usr/lib/mysql with the same > results) Check config.log after you ran ./configure. Search for mysql. -- Andreas --- Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: List Archives/Info: