From: "Alain Turbide" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oulook express when using Imap tries to save the sent mail in the
> folder on the Imap server.  This won't work with Cyrus Imap since users
> can't save mail in the top level folder, only under INBOX.  Since Outlook
> does't allow the sent-mail folder to contain "." (periods) in the account
> setup info, you can't redirect that folder to INBOX.Sent Mail  UNLESS you
> make a change in the registry settings for the account info for Outlook.
> can't remember where that setting  but I'm sure you can locate it on the
> Internet if you do a search there.   To prevent the error, just uncheck
> "save special folders on the Imap server" checkbox in your account
> This will then save sent-mail and drafts to the local sent-mail folder.
This is not entirely correct.  You can set "Root Folder Path" to INBOX, and
then use your "Sent Items" folder under INBOX on the IMAP server.  But this
then denies you access to the shared IMAP folders.

The other way is to edit the registry and set "IMAP Sent Items Folder"
(String Value) and "IMAP Drafts Folder" (String Value) to the correct
location (i.e INBOX.Sent).

This can be changed at the following Registry location.

HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Internet Account
Manager\Accounts\<account number>

NOTE: You will have to identify your servers account (look in the "0000000?"
keys for your account).

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