Citeren Bert de Jong <>:
I hope you see the problem here.
Try to see this from the perspective of an inexperienced computer user.
If users are gullible enough to enter their login credentials based on
a message like this, it won't make a difference if you display the
'real' e-mail address, they'll fall for it anyway (sadly).
The best you can do is to keep tabs on what usual and unusual traffic
patterns are and act accordingly. Set limits on the amount of messages
users can send per hour in your mailserver. Use the preferences system
for IMP to limit the amount of messages and recipients per time period.
Bottom line: you're never going to be able to prevent abuse, but you
can limit the impact it has.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Best regards, / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Bert de Jong
Telefoon: 0575 570471
Afwezig op woensdagen.
KvK Apeldoorn 50969501. Op al onze aanbiedingen en overeenkomsten
zijn de Nederland ICT Voorwaarden van toepassing, gedeponeerd d.d. 1
juni 2014 bij de Kamer van Koophandel te Midden-Nederland onder
nummer 30174840.
On Fri, 2019-02-15 at 17:41 +0000, Jan Schneider wrote:
Zitat von Bert de Jong <<>>:
I'm curious if IMP's default is to not show the email address of the sender.
If you look at the attached screenshot
mirrored here
you can see why one of our customers thought we were about to close
their email account, and why they would send back their password to
the "Email Administrator".
I did see the email address is shown when I move my mouse on the
text, but my customer was not aware of this feature.
Can I change a setting so that IMP will show the email address of
the sender next to the text?
(Next to "Email Administrator" in my case.)
No, such a setting doesn't exist.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project
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