Hi, I'm curious if IMP's default is to not show the email address of the sender.
If you look at the attached screenshot mirrored here https://i.imgur.com/ubRyIY6.png you can see why one of our customers thought we were about to close their email account, and why they would send back their password to the "Email Administrator". I did see the email address is shown when I move my mouse on the text, but my customer was not aware of this feature. Can I change a setting so that IMP will show the email address of the sender next to the text? (Next to "Email Administrator" in my case.) Thank you, -- Met vriendelijke groet, Best regards, / Mit freundlichen Grüßen, [cid:fd6f669c160a8b8e12cf63849b982065591fbd8f.camel@elicom.nl] Bert de Jong Webdeveloper Website: www.elicom.nl<https://www.elicom.nl/> Telefoon: 0575 570471 Afwezig op woensdagen. KvK Apeldoorn 50969501. Op al onze aanbiedingen en overeenkomsten zijn de Nederland ICT Voorwaarden van toepassing, gedeponeerd d.d. 1 juni 2014 bij de Kamer van Koophandel te Midden-Nederland onder nummer 30174840.
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