Hey there,

thanks for the hint. That was enough to find the reason:
For better security, I had enabled the length_hiding module of nginx globally. That seems to interfere with the file upload in imp, but not in wicked or gollum.

As a quick solution I switched off length_hiding for my horde vhost.

Best whishes from Berlin


----- Nachricht von Jan Schneider <j...@horde.org> ---------
  Datum: Fri, 06 Oct 2017 06:15:22 +0000
    Von: Jan Schneider <j...@horde.org>
Betreff: Re: [imp] Problem uploading attachments
     An: imp@lists.horde.org

Zitat von Sven Hankel <ck10...@chaoskind.de>:

Hey there,

Horde is the best, I've ever seen, I nearly only use it instead of my
desktop program.

BUT: When I want to upload attachments, the upload runs, but finishing
seems to be not recognized by imp.

Strange: Uploading attachments to wicked works like a charm. Also uploading data to gollem works.

Used software: nginx-1.13.5, php-fpm (7.1.10), horde-5.2.22, imp-6.2.21
The error logs are simply empty. Sending a mail with (not finished) attachment hangs forever.

The only error log is in javascript console of chromium (behaviour is the same with firefox, safari, edge):

In dynamic mode:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token / in JSON at position 0
   at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
   at String.parseJSON [as evalJSON] (4ae082b1092f545e.js:110)
   at Object.<anonymous> (c3ee0e997039cae1.js:15)
   at HTMLIFrameElement.<anonymous> (4ae082b1092f545e.js:781)

This sounds like an error in the JSON response sent from the server. You would need to use the browser's network debugger to see what exactly is being returned.

In simple mode, I get this:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'tagName' of null
   at getValue (4ae082b1092f545e.js:691)
   at Object.onDomLoad (1357ba9cb3a9cd0d.js:340)
   at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (4ae082b1092f545e.js:784)
   at fireEvent_DOM (4ae082b1092f545e.js:772)
   at fire (4ae082b1092f545e.js:771)
   at HTMLDocument._methodized [as fire] (4ae082b1092f545e.js:65)
   at HTMLDocument.fireContentLoadedEvent (4ae082b1092f545e.js:788)

I'm not really familiar with javascript, I tried with older php versions, different cookie settings.

Does somebody have an idea?

Thanks for Your help!

Again, you would need a debugger (this time for javascript) to see where and why exactly this is happening. You also need to disable javascript compression to get a useful result.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

----- Ende der Nachricht von Jan Schneider <j...@horde.org> -----

Attachment: binhWeUiN_d2t.bin
Description: Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel

Attachment: pgppT_eG5FDSQ.pgp
Description: Digitale PGP-Signatur

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