Hey there,

Horde is the best, I've ever seen, I nearly only use it instead of my
desktop program.

BUT: When I want to upload attachments, the upload runs, but finishing
seems to be not recognized by imp.

Strange: Uploading attachments to wicked works like a charm. Also uploading data to gollem works.

Used software: nginx-1.13.5, php-fpm (7.1.10), horde-5.2.22, imp-6.2.21
The error logs are simply empty. Sending a mail with (not finished) attachment hangs forever.

The only error log is in javascript console of chromium (behaviour is the same with firefox, safari, edge):

In dynamic mode:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token / in JSON at position 0
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at String.parseJSON [as evalJSON] (4ae082b1092f545e.js:110)
    at Object.<anonymous> (c3ee0e997039cae1.js:15)
    at HTMLIFrameElement.<anonymous> (4ae082b1092f545e.js:781)

In simple mode, I get this:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'tagName' of null
    at getValue (4ae082b1092f545e.js:691)
    at Object.onDomLoad (1357ba9cb3a9cd0d.js:340)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (4ae082b1092f545e.js:784)
    at fireEvent_DOM (4ae082b1092f545e.js:772)
    at fire (4ae082b1092f545e.js:771)
    at HTMLDocument._methodized [as fire] (4ae082b1092f545e.js:65)
    at HTMLDocument.fireContentLoadedEvent (4ae082b1092f545e.js:788)

I'm not really familiar with javascript, I tried with older php versions, different cookie settings.

Does somebody have an idea?

Thanks for Your help!

Attachment: binZOcEi2FjQb.bin
Description: Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel

Attachment: pgpBywRKXCuj6.pgp
Description: Digitale PGP-Signatur

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