Jens Wahnes wrote:
Jan Schneider wrote:

I was able to track this down to Horde_Idna. The error will be catched
in Horde_Idna 1.1.0 and displayed smarter in IMP 6.2.18.

I looked into this again today. Even though I have got the new versions
installed (both Horde_Idna 1.1.0 and IMP 6.2.18), I still seem to get
the same error, i.e. no warning when sending an email to an address like and the mail is actually being sent to "foo" without
any domain. Are there any other dependencies that I may have missed?

I can see this working on, i.e. trying to send an email to "" from is aborted with an error message. Still, this does not happen in our setup. On our systems, the email is being sent to the "localpart only" address instead. Is nobody else having this problem?

Looking for things that are unique to our setup, I thought that this might be because we use a "pre_sent" hook to add headers to outgoing email messages, but even when disabling that hook, the problem persists. I don't seem to be getting any hint from the log files neither. So I'm running out of clues what part of our configuration might be causing the trouble. Maybe someone has got an idea how to debug this further? Could it be caused by other hooks we've got?

What strikes me though is the fact the error message I get on when trying to send an email to "" is "Invalid e-mail address (" According to the code that I see in .../imp/lib/Compose.php around line 1300, this would be the error message that is generated upon a Horde_Mail_Exception, not upon Horde_Idna_Exception, because in the latter case, the message would contain a colon. I thought this whole problem was related to Horde_Idna? To me, the code added in the commit <> suggests that catching Horde_Idna_Exception is supposed to fix the problem? Or am I on the wrong track completely?

Any help would be appreciated.


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