Zitat von Jens Wahnes <wah...@uni-koeln.de>:


with current stable version of Imp (6.2.17) and Horde_Smtp (1.9.4), we are seeing problems with emails that are to be sent to addresses that appear to be invalid, as they contain two adjacent dots and thus an empty "label" (at least that's what I would call this in DNS vocabulary). To make things clearer, consider, for example, an address such as john...@example..com

When one tries to send an email to an address like that, at a certain point in processing that email, some Horde component seems to drop the domain part of the address completely. So in the example of "john...@example..com", it will try to send an email to just "johndoe" without any domain. Interestingly enough, the entry in the imp_sentmail table contains the full (wrong) address. On the other hand, the "To" header of the email, as saved in the "Sent" folder on the IMAP server, does not contain the full address, but only the localpart. Of course, the recipient's address given in the SMTP dialogue is lacking the domain as well.

So after doing some tests, I'm still unsure if Imp or Horde_Smtp or some other package is to be blamed. Could someone help clarify?

Of course, there is also the question of how to best deal with this. In an ideal world, I'd say that Horde_Smtp should be able to deal with these kind of email addresses but Imp should never generate them. IMHO, users trying to send an email to an address with a typo like this (two dots instead of one dot) should receive an error message and the message should not be sent until they revised the email address.


I was able to track this down to Horde_Idna. The error will be catched in Horde_Idna 1.1.0 and displayed smarter in IMP 6.2.18.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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