Thank you!  We have Horde 5.1.1, but I don't see any place that says Show 
Advanced Options.  Don't know if it would help, or if it's permitted on the 
forum, but I could tell you the host name if that would help? Ricki Frisco, TX(972) 335-9716(972) 838-8531 (cell)
      From: "" <>
 Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2015 6:00 AM
 Subject: imp Digest, Vol 3878, Issue 1
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Today's Topics:

  1. Adding attachment icon (paperclip) to inbox (Ricki Levitan)
  2. Re: Adding attachment icon (paperclip) to inbox
      (Michael J Rubinsky)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2015 17:31:15 +0000 (UTC)
From: Ricki Levitan <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [imp] Adding attachment icon (paperclip) to inbox
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Is there a way to add the paperclip icon to show when a message has 
attachments? ?I've done some research and the only thing I found (besides 
backend coding, which we don't have access to as we're using the Horde email 
client as provided by our hosting company) is to log in as administrator, but I 
can't find out how to do that. ?I tried using my cpanel login at the webmail 
screen, but that didn't bring up the options that I found on a different forum 
that worked for someone else (Administrative>Settings>Mail>Mail and Fetchbox 
then choose "show attachments in email lists ).
Also tried changing flag settings and added a color to the Message Has 
Attachments option, but that didn't do anything at all, still comes in and 
looks like every other message.
Thanks for any help on getting the icon to show up, a work-around (like the 
flag change that didn't work), or how to log in as administrator. 


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2015 18:04:47 +0000
From: Michael J Rubinsky <>
Subject: Re: [imp] Adding attachment icon (paperclip) to inbox
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed";

Quoting Ricki Levitan <>:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to add the paperclip icon to show when a message has  
> attachments? ?I've done some research and the only thing I found  
> (besides backend coding, which we don't have access to as we're  
> using the Horde email client as provided by our hosting company) is  
> to log in as administrator, but I can't find out how to do that. ?I  
> tried using my cpanel login at the webmail screen, but that didn't  
> bring up the options that I found on a different forum that worked  
> for someone else (Administrative>Settings>Mail>Mail and Fetchbox  
> then choose "show attachments in email lists ).
> Also tried changing flag settings and added a color to the Message  
> Has Attachments option, but that didn't do anything at all, still  
> comes in and looks like every other message.
> Thanks for any help on getting the icon to show up, a work-around  
> (like the flag change that didn't work), or how to log in as  
> administrator.

It depends on the version of Horde/IMP in use and how the host has  
configured the prefs. As of Horde 5 this is a user preference (visible  
when you choose to "Show Advanced Prefs"). However, this may have been  
locked by the administrator (someone who has access to the  
imp/config/* files).

> --
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