On Fri, 2015-10-16 at 13:50 +0000, Michael J Rubinsky wrote: > Quoting Adam Tauno Williams <awill...@whitemice.org>: > > horde 5.2.7 imp 6.2.10 > > How do I make the Answered and Unanswered options appear in the > > "MarkAs" menu. I have seen, and custom flags defined by user, but > > not the other flags I see in my older Horde instance.If I mark a > > message as Answered in my older Horde instance I do see the > > answered icon on the message in the new instance, but I do not > > have the Mark-As options. > I'm almost positive these are no explicitly settable by the user > since this flag represents an action that either was or was not taken > on the email. I.e., this is only set when the email is actually > replied to.
It is most certainly settable in my old Horde instance - I tested it. In my older version I have Mark-As: Seen, Unseen, Flagged For Followup, Not Flagged, Answered, Unanswered, Deleted, Not Deleted, Draft, and Not Draft. In my new horde instance I have "Flagged For Followup", "Seen", and the custom user 'label' flags. In the flags list in preferences I do see these options [Answered, not answered, etc...] but they are not available in the Mark-As select. We have customer service people who cooperative use shared mailboxes and make use of flags to coordinate. -- Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awill...@whitemice.org> GPG D95ED383 Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA -- imp mailing list Frequently Asked Questions: http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ To unsubscribe, mail: imp-unsubscr...@lists.horde.org