Quoting Tim Smith <r.andomdev4+...@gmail.com>:

Also, coming back to your earlier point, even if "that means it was
not able to reach that host/port combination. " were true, it is a
pretty lousy sort of debug feature if "Horde writes nothing to the
debug log " because its unable to reach the host/port.   If I turn on
debugging on a piece of software, its because I want more verbosity
into what's going on behind the scenes.  Being unable to reach a
host/port seems to me to be a pretty obvious thing that should appear
in a debug log (infact, is should really appear in the standard logs,
you shouldn't need to turn on debugging to see a connectivity issue).

The main issue is there is no way of programatically knowing *why* the connection failed at the PHP userland level.

Horde doesn't do the connection plumbing - this is all handled by the PHP steam_socket_client() call. An error in that function MAY provide error details... but it may not. Error code provided by it is pretty much worthless since it is dependent on the underlying OS implementation of the connect system call.

The patch I provided (which has been added to IMP 7) will print out whatever error message/code was returned, but that's about the extent of logging IMP is going to do.


Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]

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