Hi michael,

Assuming I've put it in the right place
(horde/imp/lib/Compose/Exception.php, line 75, before "return true;"
), nothing logged in the debug log.


<small rant>
Also, coming back to your earlier point, even if "that means it was
not able to reach that host/port combination. " were true, it is a
pretty lousy sort of debug feature if "Horde writes nothing to the
debug log " because its unable to reach the host/port.   If I turn on
debugging on a piece of software, its because I want more verbosity
into what's going on behind the scenes.  Being unable to reach a
host/port seems to me to be a pretty obvious thing that should appear
in a debug log (infact, is should really appear in the standard logs,
you shouldn't need to turn on debugging to see a connectivity issue).
</small rant>

On 8 May 2015 at 18:15, Michael M Slusarz <slus...@horde.org> wrote:
> Quoting Tim Smith <r.andomdev4+...@gmail.com>:
>> michael,
>> Nonsense.
>> How do you explain the fact that .....
>> (1) I see "lost connection after UNKNOWN from
>> <insert_horde_server_name_here> " in the mail server logs ?  ;-)
>> (2) I can ping the mail server from the horde box
>> (3) I can manually authenticate via openssl s_client on the horde box.
>> Its not a network/port filtering issue.
> stream_socket_client() is returning false for you for some reason.
> It's possible that adding this code to IMP_Compose_Exception#log() may
> provide further logging of the exact details of the problem:
>         if (($previous = $this->getPrevious()) &&
>             isset($previous->details)) {
>             Horde::log($previous->details, $level);
>         }
> michael
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> Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]
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