Ops, I test better again. It's not a memcache problem. It's session handler.
I had mysql sessionhandler on horde groupware webmail edition 1.1.3. It
worked well. On 1.2 edition I can't logout.
Now, I solved transferring session handler from mysql to memcache.
So, this doesn't work on webmail-1.2:
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['persistent'] = true;
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['rowlocking'] = true;
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['port'] = 6666;
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['username'] = 'user';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['password'] = 'password';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['database'] = 'dbhorde';
$conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'mysql';
Instead, this works:
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['track'] = true;
$conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'memcache';
$conf['sessionhandler']['memcache'] = true;
memcache servers configuration works well with multiple hosts as
previously shown.
----- Messaggio inoltrato da [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----
Data: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 08:18:10 +0200
Da: Marco Favero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oggetto: Re: [imp] Problem in logout
A: imp@lists.horde.org
Oh, thank you! I tried, but it's not sufficient. Behavior doesn't change...
Babita wrote:
>Hi, you may wanna try listing port numbers for each memcache server
you got, e.g:
>$conf['memcache']['port'] =
>Babita Rana
>University of Alberta
>On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, Marco Favero wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I installed last Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 1.2.
>>I notice a problem: sometime logout action fails. It returns this on
>>2008-09-29T16:26:47.418900+02:00 vm HORDE[22094]: [imp] Could not
save the compiled template file
'horde-webmail-1.2/config/../imp/templates/mailbox/header.html'. [pid
22094 on line 231 of "horde-webmail-1.2/imp/lib/Template.php"]
>>The error shown by browser after logout failed is this:
>>"We cannot verify that this request was really sent by you. It could
be a malicious request."
>>It seems this happens only with distribuited memcache system.
>>For better understanding, my configuration is:
>>$conf['memcache']['hostspec'] = array('server1', 'server2',
'server3', 'server4', 'server5');
>>$conf['memcache']['port'] = array('11211');
>>$conf['memcache']['weight'] = array('1', '1', '1', '1', '1');
>>$conf['memcache']['persistent'] = true;
>>$conf['memcache']['compression'] = false;
>>$conf['memcache']['large_items'] = true;
>>$conf['memcache']['enabled'] = true;
>>$conf['sessionhandler']['memcache'] = false;
>>$conf['auth']['params']['app'] = 'imp';
>>$conf['session']['name'] = 'Horde';
>>$conf['session']['use_only_cookies'] = true;
>>$conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
>>$conf['session']['timeout'] = 0;
>>$conf['cache']['default_lifetime'] = 86400;
>>$conf['cache']['driver'] = 'memcache';
>>All works well. I notice only impossibility to logout.
>>This problem doesn't happen on previous Horde Groupware Webmail
Edition 1.1.3 with same configuration.
>>Could you help me?
>>Thank you very much
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