So I'm somewhat flummoxed by a number of problems I'm seeing with the
latest Horde/IMP -- hoping someone might be able to give some guidance.

Beginning with Horde 3.3-RC1 / IMP 4.2.1-RC1 and persisting into the
current release, I see what appears to be a memory leak in PHP. I start
up the server and my process sizes are around 2MB (resident) in size.
Once I login to IMP and begin clicking around my process sizes
immediately jump to ~17M resident, continue to grow by around
~400k/click and escalate until my servers are memory-starved.

Further, when I have a look at the apache server-status handler, I see
that a significant number of processes are left in the "Keepalive" and
"Writing" states rather than the "Idle" state they ought to be in. So the end result is that I have to have many more processes available to run my cluster, and each of these processes are much larger than they've been in previous releases. No bueno.

My platform is Solaris 10 x86, and i'm running a new build of Apache
1.3.41 / PHP 5.2.6, though I've confirmed that the problem also exists
with Apache 1.3.39 / PHP 5.2.4.

I've confirmed that these problems don't exist in Horde 3.2.1/IMP 4.2,
so the trigger is clearly something that's been introduced in the past
months' development efforts. Just for fun I disabled caching, thinking this new feature might be the culprit -- but no dice.

And could be that it's confined to the Solaris platform, in which case maybe I'm SOL. But if not -- or if someone has some ideas for further diagnosis -- I'm all ears....


|||||||||||  Matthew E. Dunham
|||||  Instructional Computing
||||||||||||  UC Santa Barbara
||||||||||||||||  805 893 7687

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