Actually, your approach is wrong here. What you want to aim at in the parser is 
to accept all the syntax that can possibly be good but if it is not, can be 
rejected using semantic checks later. This is because a good semantic error 
such as "not able to use 'v2' when you utilize 'b'" is much more useful to your 
user than "Unexpected token 'v2' at....". Doing this will also simplify your 
grammar and usually make it a lot faster. So, just allow either of the options, 
set a flag and print the error message if it is incorrect. Then you have 
implemented only the syntax you wish in a much cleaner way. If you are 
producing an AST then it is usually easier to check for these things in a 
special semantic pass of the AST.




[] On Behalf Of Naveen Chawla
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [antlr-interest] Help writing a particular semantic predicate


Ok, I've solved my particular problem using token lookaheads, but I was 
wondering if there is a way of doing non-terminal symbol lookaheads in semantic 

2009/10/6 Naveen Chawla <>

grammar x;


x:  a b;


     a: 'i' a? | c? 'j';     // Question, how would I write the semantic 
predicates: if this "a" is followed by 'v1' choose the first alternative, if 
not choose the second alternative


          c: 'i';


     b: 'v1' | 'v2';


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