Jika anda sudah mendaftar dengan GreenZap, sila login sekarang dan lihat akaun 
anda.. Woowwww...

Lihat akaun saya:
Abdul Rahman Ismail
Total Earnings
Cash:   $1,832.00
WebCash:        $458.00
Total:  $2,290.00

Klik link dibawah untuk real-statement:

Daftar sekarang dan anda mendapat $25.

-------- Invitation Letter ----------

Dear Friends,

Have you heard about GreenZap yet?  I just signed up for an account.

GreenZap is a global online payment solution provider.  They provide a fast, 
easy-to-use and secure way for you to safely send, receive and do just about 
anything with money online.  GreenZap can be used to purchase goods and 
services on EBay(r), Yahoo Auctions(r), Craig's list(tm), or any number of 
other consumer-driven sales sites.

Everyone is opening a GreenZap account.  It's F-R-E-E and once you do, you'll 
be a part of my community and rewarded with $25 to spend online...just for 
signing up!  You will also be rewarded for anyone and everyone who joins your 
community and becomes a GreenZap member.

Do it TODAY!

Simply click on the link below:


Let the zapping begin!

Abdul Rahman Ismail

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