
On 08/07/2018 12:12 AM, Dominik George wrote:

I have a configuration where some checks (in this case check_disk) are
executed on an Icinga agent running on the checked host.  The setup is
configured with Icinga Director.

I recently changed the parameters of this check (adding an ignored
filesystem).  When I click "Check now", the check is run with the correct
parameters and returns OK.  But if the check is run in Icinga's regular
schedule, it returns CRITICAL because it is still running with the old

The same is true for another check on another host.

How do I make all compnentes honour the new configuration?

My guess is, that your master node has new configuration while the client does not. When you force run the check by "check now" the client only gets the check command along with parameters. When running by regular schedule, it is executed with local parameters which are not the same as on the master node.

If this is the problem and you want to to automatically sync your master node changes to the client, configure accept_config = true in your client config:

object ApiListener "api" {
   accept_commands = true
   accept_config = true


Václav Mach
tel: +420 234 680 206
CESNET, z.s.p.o.

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