Hi Antony,

sure you can. First, create a custom module within one of your module
paths and go there, like:

mkdir /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/mymodule
cd /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/mymodule

Next, create the base directory for themes:

mkdir -p public/css/themes

Can be accomplished at once, I just separated them to better explain
what's going on. Now create a less-File for your theme:

vim MySpecialTheme.less

Thinks You can now override all styles and colors like this:

@color-ok: #44bb77;
@color-up: @color-ok;
@color-warning: #ffaa44;

Less is like CSS, just with more syntactic sugar. Find more colors here:


Changing those variables is upgrade-safe. Enable your module 'mymodule'
and change your new theme in your web frontend. Go to Configuration ->
Application or change it for a single user in your preferences.


Am 04.01.2017 um 23:01 schrieb Antony Stone:
> Hi.
> There are many different colours used in the service grid display
> http://your.icinga.tld/icingaweb2/monitoring/list/servicegrid - I attach an
> example from my own system showing:
>  - green (good)
>  - red (critical alert)
>  - pink (critical alert, acknowleged)
>  - yellow (warning)
>  - pale yellow (warning, acknowleged)
>  - purple (check timeout)
> I suspect there can be other colours shown too sometimes.
> I'd like to know if it's possible to change the colours used for these
> statuses without recompiling icingaweb2 - is there a config file somewhere,
> saying what RGB values to use for each status, which I could edit and get the
> new colours shown, maybe just with an Apache2 restart, or maybe even just by
> waiting for the next screen update?
> Thanks,
> Antony.
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