On 26.10.2016 19:54, Michael Martinez wrote:
> I'm kinda stumped on this one. I'm defining a HostGroup and then
> trying to access it, but it's not working.
> object HostGroup "atlantic101" {
>   display_name = "atlantic101"
>   assign where host.vars.range == "atlantic101"
> }

Uhm, it would be interesting to know what you are trying to achieve.

Your problem is that the hostgroup won't get registred until after the full 
config is loaded.

1. Load and eval config
2. Commit changes (registring objects) (and evaluating applies)
3. Activating objects (enabling actions and behavior)

Icinga Config is not really a scriting language, but can be used partially to 
do interesting stuff.

Markus Frosch
Icinga Open Source Monitoring
icinga-users mailing list

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