Am 26.10.2016 um 19:54 schrieb Michael Martinez:

Hi Michael,

> I'm kinda stumped on this one. I'm defining a HostGroup and then
> trying to access it, but it's not working.
> object HostGroup "atlantic101" {
>   display_name = "atlantic101"
>   assign where host.vars.range == "atlantic101"
> }

Are you sure it's "object HostGroup" and not "apply HostGroup"?

> hg1 = get_host_group("atlantic101")
> if ( hg1) {
> log("MMM able to retrieve hostgroup")
> } else {
> log("MMM unable to retrieve hostgroup")
> }
> for (hg in get_objects(HostGroup)) {
> log("MMM inside for loop")
> }
> What shows up in the logs are "MMM unable to retrieve hostgroup".
> The log statement inside the for loop does not happen.
> So, it seems that get_host_group and get_objects are not working? I'm
> not sure what's going on.
Best regards,
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