
I have done this before with no problems whatsoever.
You basically install two icinga backends and two icinga frontends that have nothing to do with each other. It's obviously a no-brainer for anyone reading this but i'm sure you mean to do something else that you didn't properly describe, if at all. You can even use the same sql server for both instances provided you use separate database names.
So what's your real question ?

On 10/24/2016 3:38 PM, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:

I have a requirement that I _thought_ that icinga2 could fulfill, but
my experiments so far have been without success...

In short, the requirements are:

* icinga deployed in two locations - "A" and "B". The two locations
  are independent, and separated by firewalls (we can open up
  inter-icinga-access as required, but the policy here will be very

* each icinga instance runs independently: each instance does checks
  and notifications for its own area.

* In the web interface (icingaweb2) for "A" we only want to see stuff
  relating to location "A".

* In the web interface (icingaweb2) for "B", we want to be able to see
  the "sum" of the status - e.g. list any problems from *both*
  icinga instances.

* The configuration for each icinga instance is indepedent. "B" does
  not get to dictate configuration for "A" or vice versa.

Is this possible?  Any hints would be greatly appreciated..

Thank you in advance
Karl E. Jorgensen

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