> On 02 Feb 2016, at 14:25, René Koch <rk...@rk-it.at> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm testing Icinga 2 and want to achive the following setup:
> 2x Icinga master (notifications, ido db and nsca server)
> 1x Icinga tools server (Icinga web 2 and pnp)
> 3x Icinga worker (active checks)
> My 2 master servers are responsible for sending out notifications and writing 
> data into IDO database. These 2 nodes also host a pacemaker cluster for high 
> availability of PostgreSQL database, nsca server and provides a cluster ip 
> address.
> Both nodes do have the following features enabled (checker is only enabled to 
> do the health check):
> [root@icinga-master01 ~]# icinga2 feature list
> Disabled features: compatlog debuglog gelf graphite icingastatus livestatus 
> opentsdb perfdata statusdata syslog
> Enabled features: api checker command ido-pgsql mainlog notification
> The tools server hosting Icinga web 2 and pnp has perfdata for writing the 
> pnp data.
> [root@icinga-tools01 ~]# icinga2 feature list
> Disabled features: checker compatlog debuglog gelf graphite icingastatus 
> livestatus notification opentsdb statusdata syslog
> Enabled features: api command mainlog perfdata

Reading below that both, the masters and the tool server, belong to one zone, 
you cannot disable certain HA-aware features inside the same zone.

“All nodes in the same zone require the same features enabled for High 
Availability (HA) amongst them.”

Probably that’s a general source for errors and should be taken into account 
beforehand when (re)designing your cluster.

> Nearly everything works fine, except the fact that I'm not able to use any 
> commands (e.g. disabling notifications) in Icinga web 2.
> All my systems have accept_commands

the Icinga 2’s part of “accept_commands” merely targets commands executed by 
Icinga 2 through its cluster protocol, but not external commands such as Icinga 
Web 2 and other applications are sending though the command pipe.
Commands coming from external interfaces are transported top-down in regard of 
the parent-child relationship between zones and their endpoint members.

> set to true and have valid certificates (I used the fqdn of each system for 
> common name so it will match NodeName):
> [root@icinga-tools01 ~]# cat /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/api.conf
> object ApiListener "api" {
>  cert_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".crt"
>  key_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".key"
>  ca_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/ca.crt"
>  accept_config = true
>  accept_commands = true
>  ticket_salt = TicketSalt
> }
> My question is now how can I configure command transports for Icinga web 2?
> I tried the following:
> - Local command file: this will disable notification on tools server, but the 
> command want be sent to the 2 master servers, so notifications will still be 
> sent out
> - Remote transport: if I specify 2 remote transports (and no local command 
> file), the disable notifications command will be sent to the first transport 
> if it is reachable. But it also want disable notifications on 2nd node - so 
> if my first remote transport isn't the active Icinga master, notifications 
> are still sent out. Also if this node goes down and 2nd node will take ower, 
> notifications are still sent out, as I would have to disable them again in 
> Icinga web 2.
> So my question is now, if it should be possible that my 3 nodes in master 
> zone should share commands (as they do with perfdata and check results 
> already)

Your current setup only executes 2/3 of the checks shared inside that zone, if 

> and this is a bug, or how I can configure command transports in Icinga web 2 
> for a ha zone.
> Thanks!

I’d guess your cluster inside the master zone is not working correctly, as 
explained above.

Kind regards,

> Btw, here's my zone config in case it's needed:

Config and versions are the most important part when asking questions :)

> [root@icinga-master01 icinga2]# cat zones.conf
> object Endpoint "icinga-master01.rk-it.at" {
>  host = "icinga-master01.rk-it.at"
> }
> object Endpoint "icinga-master02.rk-it.at" {
>  host = "icinga-master02.rk-it.at"
> }
> object Endpoint "icinga-tools01.rk-it.at" {
>  host = "icinga-tools01.rk-it.at"
> }
> object Endpoint "icinga-worker01.rk-it.at" {
>  host = "icinga-worker01.rk-it.at"
> }
> object Endpoint "icinga-worker02.rk-it.at" {
>  host = "icinga-worker02.rk-it.at"
> }
> object Endpoint "icinga-worker03.rk-it.at" {
>  host = "icinga-worker03.rk-it.at"
> }
> object Zone "master" {
>  endpoints = [ "icinga-master01.rk-it.at", "icinga-master02.rk-it.at", 
> "icinga-tools01.rk-it.at" ]
> }
> object Zone "worker" {
>  endpoints = [ "icinga-worker01.rk-it.at", "icinga-worker02.rk-it.at", 
> "icinga-worker03.rk-it.at" ]
>  parent = "master"
> }
> object Zone "global" {
>  global = true
> }
> Here are some information about my Icinga versions:
> icinga2-2.4.1-1.el7.centos.x86_64
> icingaweb2-2.1.2-1.el7.centos.noarch
> Thanks a lot,
> René
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