Hi list,
I'm testing Icinga 2 and want to achive the following setup:
2x Icinga master (notifications, ido db and nsca server)
1x Icinga tools server (Icinga web 2 and pnp)
3x Icinga worker (active checks)
My 2 master servers are responsible for sending out notifications and
writing data into IDO database. These 2 nodes also host a pacemaker
cluster for high availability of PostgreSQL database, nsca server and
provides a cluster ip address.
Both nodes do have the following features enabled (checker is only
enabled to do the health check):
[root@icinga-master01 ~]# icinga2 feature list
Disabled features: compatlog debuglog gelf graphite icingastatus
livestatus opentsdb perfdata statusdata syslog
Enabled features: api checker command ido-pgsql mainlog notification
The tools server hosting Icinga web 2 and pnp has perfdata for writing
the pnp data.
[root@icinga-tools01 ~]# icinga2 feature list
Disabled features: checker compatlog debuglog gelf graphite icingastatus
livestatus notification opentsdb statusdata syslog
Enabled features: api command mainlog perfdata
Nearly everything works fine, except the fact that I'm not able to use
any commands (e.g. disabling notifications) in Icinga web 2.
All my systems have accept_commands set to true and have valid
certificates (I used the fqdn of each system for common name so it will
match NodeName):
[root@icinga-tools01 ~]# cat /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/api.conf
object ApiListener "api" {
cert_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".crt"
key_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName + ".key"
ca_path = SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/ca.crt"
accept_config = true
accept_commands = true
ticket_salt = TicketSalt
My question is now how can I configure command transports for Icinga web 2?
I tried the following:
- Local command file: this will disable notification on tools server,
but the command want be sent to the 2 master servers, so notifications
will still be sent out
- Remote transport: if I specify 2 remote transports (and no local
command file), the disable notifications command will be sent to the
first transport if it is reachable. But it also want disable
notifications on 2nd node - so if my first remote transport isn't the
active Icinga master, notifications are still sent out. Also if this
node goes down and 2nd node will take ower, notifications are still sent
out, as I would have to disable them again in Icinga web 2.
So my question is now, if it should be possible that my 3 nodes in
master zone should share commands (as they do with perfdata and check
results already) and this is a bug, or how I can configure command
transports in Icinga web 2 for a ha zone.
Btw, here's my zone config in case it's needed:
[root@icinga-master01 icinga2]# cat zones.conf
object Endpoint "icinga-master01.rk-it.at" {
host = "icinga-master01.rk-it.at"
object Endpoint "icinga-master02.rk-it.at" {
host = "icinga-master02.rk-it.at"
object Endpoint "icinga-tools01.rk-it.at" {
host = "icinga-tools01.rk-it.at"
object Endpoint "icinga-worker01.rk-it.at" {
host = "icinga-worker01.rk-it.at"
object Endpoint "icinga-worker02.rk-it.at" {
host = "icinga-worker02.rk-it.at"
object Endpoint "icinga-worker03.rk-it.at" {
host = "icinga-worker03.rk-it.at"
object Zone "master" {
endpoints = [ "icinga-master01.rk-it.at", "icinga-master02.rk-it.at",
"icinga-tools01.rk-it.at" ]
object Zone "worker" {
endpoints = [ "icinga-worker01.rk-it.at", "icinga-worker02.rk-it.at",
"icinga-worker03.rk-it.at" ]
parent = "master"
object Zone "global" {
global = true
Here are some information about my Icinga versions:
Thanks a lot,
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